Malcolm Schofield
Emeritus Professor
Ancient Philosophy
University of Cambridge
Malcolm Schofield is Emeritus Professor of Ancient Philosophy, University of Cambridge, and Fellow of St John’s College. His first book was An Essay on Anaxagoras (Cambridge 1980), he co-authored with G.S. Kirk and J.E. Raven the second edition of The Presocratic Philosophers (Cambridge 1983), and has co-edited numerous other collaborative volumes, including in 2015 with Catherine Rowett a special Heraclitus issue of the journal Rhizomata. He now works mostly on Greek and Roman political philosophy. He was co-editor with Christopher Rowe of The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Political Thought (Cambridge 2000). The Stoic Idea of the City (Cambridge 1991; expanded reprint Chicago 1999), Saving the City (London 1999), and Plato: Political Philosophy (Oxford 2006) are among his major solo publications. Current projects include a book on Cicero’s political thought and a new translation (with Tom Griffith) of Plato’s Laws.