Leslie M. Tutty
Professor Emerita
Social Work
University of Calgary
Dr. Leslie Tutty is a professor emerita with the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Calgary where she taught clinical social work and research. Over the past thirty years, her research has focused on services for domestic violence including evaluations of shelter and post-shelter programs for abused women, support groups for abused women, treatment for adult victims of sexual abuse, groups for men who abuse their partners and the primary prevention of child sexual abuse. Her extensive body of research on partner violence spans the perspectives of social services, justice, health and mental health and addresses prevention, intervention and policy. Dr. Tutty has expertise in both quantitative and qualitative research methods and has written or edited textbooks for social workers in both paradigms. Other books include “Innovations in Interventions to Address Intimate Partner Violence: Research and Practice” (2017), edited with Tod Augusta Scott and Katreena Scott), and “What’s Law got To Do With It?: The Law, Specialized Courts and Domestic Violence in Canada” (2008) co-edited with Dr. Jane Ursel and Janice leMaistre. Her refereed articles have been published in Violence Against Women, the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, Child Abuse & Neglect and the Journal of Interpersonal Violence.