Raymond F. Collins



Visiting Scholar


Department of Religious Studies


Brown University


Raymond F. Collins is currently a visiting scholar in the Department of Religious Studies at Brown University,  Prior to that he served as Dean of the School of Religious Studies (1993-96) and Professor of New Testament at the Catholic University of America (1993-2006).  In 1970, he was appointed to the Faculty of Theology as a professor of New Testament at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, where he served as professor of New Testament (1970-1993), rector of the American College (1971-78), and editor of Louvain Studies (1971-91).  He is presently an associate editor of The Catholic Biblical Quarterly and a member of the Rome-based Ecumenical Pauline Colloquium.  He is the author or editor of twenty books, the most recent of which is Accompanied by a Believing Wife: Ministry and Celibacy in the Earliest Christian Communities (Liturgical Press, 2013).