Francis Brassard
Independent Scholar
Francis Brassard received his PhD from McGill University in religious studies under the supervision of Richard P. Hayes. He also studied at the Institut für Kultur und Geschichte Indiens und Tibets, Hamburg University. His research interests include Buddhist philosophy and psychology, comparative religions and philosophies, and interreligious dialogue. His book, The Concept of Bodhicitta in Śāntideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra,was published by the State University of New York Press (2000). Some of his other publication titles include: “Buddhism” in A Catholic Engagement with the World Religions in coll. with Franco Sottocornola and Maria de Giorgi, Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Book (2010), “Asking the Right Question” in Asian Texts - Asian Contexts: Encountering the Philosophies and Religions of Asia., Albany: SUNY Press (2010), “The Path of the Bodhisattva and the Creation of Oppressive cultures” in Buddhism and Violence, ed. M. Zimmermann, Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute (2006), "Gandavyuha: A New Edition of the first chapter from Sanskrit Mss, Tibetan and Chinese translations." In collaboration with Dr. Chijun Tamura from Miyazaki University and Dr. Shoryu Katsura from Ryukoku University in Kyoto (2006). He is now an independent scholar living in Dubrovnik, Croatia.