Ira Kiourti





Independent Scholar


Ira did her Philosophy Ph.D. at the University of St. Andrews, where she was a member of the Arché Philosophical Research Centre for Logic, Language, Metaphysics and Epistemology. Her thesis, "Real Impossible Worlds: the Bounds of Possibility", is an attempt to place impossible worlds within a Lewisian framework. Having begun her research with Daniel Nolan (and Patrick Greenough), she went on to complete her doctorate under the watchful eyes of Katherine Hawley and Graham Priest (and occasionally, Stephen Read). Ira also holds an M.Litt. From St. Andrews and an M.Phil. From the University of Glasgow, both in Philosophy. The latter served as a conversion course into the subject since her first degree – a B.A. from Chelsea College of Art and Design – is in Fine Art. After graduating in 2010, Ira became a Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, University of London and then a Guest Teacher at the London School of Economics. To read her work or see a list of publications go to