Robert Scully







Le Moyne College


Robert E. Scully, S.J. is a Professor of History and Law at Le Moyne College, Syracuse, NY. His areas of specialty are early modern Britain (especially Tudor and Stuart England), the Catholic Reformation, the history and spirituality of the Jesuits (particularly the early Society, sixteenth to eighteenth centuries), and American constitutional and legal history. His publications include Into the Lion’s Den: The Jesuit Mission in Elizabethan England and Wales, 1580-1603 (2011), “ ‘In the Confident Hope of a Miracle’: The Spanish Armada and Religious Mentalities in the Late Sixteenth Century,” The Catholic Historical Review 89 (2003): 643-70, and “The Lives of Anne Line: Vowed Laywoman, Recusant Martyr, and Elizabethan Saint,” in Devout Laywomen in the Early Modern World, ed. Alison Weber (2016). He contributed over a dozen entries to The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Jesuits, ed. Thomas Worcester, S.J. (2017), and is the co-editor of Catholicism and Recusancy in Britain and Ireland: From Reformation to Emancipation (Brill Companions to the Christian Tradition, forthcoming). In addition to the “Catholic/Counter Reformation,” he also contributed “St. Francis Xavier” (2017) to Oxford Bibliographies in Renaissance and Reformation.