Thomas Izbicki
Rutgers University Libraries
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Thomas M. Izbicki is Humanities Librarian Emeritus at Rutgers University. Since receiving his doctorate at Cornell University in 1973, where he studied with Brian Tierney, he has done extensive research on the medieval Church and canon law. He has published on the papacy, mendicant religious orders, the discipline of the sacraments and medieval clothing and textiles. His monographs are Protector of the Faith: Cardinal Johannes de Turrecremata and the Defense of the Institutional Church (1981) and The Eucharist in Medieval Canon Law (2015). He has translated Latin texts of Pope Pius II, Juan de Torquemada and Nicholas of Cusa into English. Dr. Izbicki is treasurer of the American Cusanus Society and the Delaware Valley Medieval Association. He belongs to the editorial boards of Europa Sacra (Brepols) & Medieval Clothing and Textiles.