Marianne Qvortrup Fibiger
Associate Professor
Department of The Study of Religion
Aarhus Universitet
Marianne Qvortrup Fibiger is Ph.d. and associate professor at the Department of The Study of Religion at Aarhus University. Her work focuses on Hinduism in general (and in Denmark and in diaspora in particular), Śāktism, religious plurality and diversity, how notions and worldviews travel between East and West and on religion in cultural encounters. She has conducted extensive field research among Srilankan Tamil Hindus in Denmark and Sri Lanka and Hindus in Mauritius, India (Kerala, Orissa, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh), Kenya and England and written articles on themes as: Hindusim and Wilderness, Śāktism in Denmark, Second generation of Hindus in diaspora and their relation to the Hindu tradition and the circulation of ideas between East and West.