Regina A. Galer-Unti
UCLA Extension
Dr. Galer-Unti received her Ph.D. in Community Health from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a concentration in Health Policy. Her work on advocacy has been published in a variety of journals and textbook chapters. Dr. Galer-Unti is a Past Chair of the American Public Health Association’s (APHA) Public Health Education and Health Promotion (PHEHP) section and served on APHA’s Action Board (advocacy and policy group) for many years. She is a past member of the Board of Trustees of the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) and former associate editor of both Health Promotion Practice and The Health Educator. Dr. Galer-Unti is the recipient of community and professional awards including those from Purdue University (West Lafayette), Eta Sigma Gamma (health sciences honorary), the PHEHP section of APHA, and SOPHE. Currently, Dr. Galer-Unti teaches at UCLA Extension.