Ying Jiang
Research Associate
Environmental Epidemiology
University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan
Ying Jiang has eagerly involved herself in asbestos-related research projects at the Department of Environmental Epidemiology of UOEH since 2012 that led to publishing several SCI journal papers and a booklet of National Asbestos Profile of Japan. She has also pursued international collaborative projects which were carried out between our department and different countries e.g., Vietnam, Korea, Colombia, Australia, Italy and USA. Her expertise in statistical analysis resulted in producing the step-by-step guideline on calculating of the burden of asbestos-related diseases for the 2012 and 2013 Training Workshop convened by World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. She raised significant comments and suggestions which helped to improve the statistical methodology. She also served as secretariat of the project “Toolkit for the Elimination of Asbestos-Related Diseases”. The project was granted by United Nation Environment Program (UNEP) and was successfully completed by April 2013. She is the main person to develop the now-popular website dedicated to this project.