Camila Fresca
Camila Fresca (b. 1978) holds a Doctorate and Master’s degree in Musicology by the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP). She holds a Bachelor of History degree from the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (FFLCH-USP) and a Bachelor of Journalism and Social Communication degree from the São Paulo Catholic University (PUC-SP). She works as a journalist, curator a researcher specialized in classical music. Her work has been published in Revista Música da USP, Opus da Anppom, Per Musi da UFMG and Cadernos do IEB (IEB-USP). She is the author of the books Festival de Inverno de Campos do Jordão – 50 anos (Editora da Osesp, 2019) and “Uma extraordinária revelação de arte”: Flausino Vale e o violino brasileiro (Annablume, 2010). In 2009, in partnership with Claudia Toni, she published a mapping of Brazilian Classical Music in the book Cultural Mapping Brazil 2009 (ed. Jorn Konijn), edited in Amsterdam by SICA – Dutch Centre for International Cultural Activities ( ) In 2011, she created and directed the CD “Flausino Vale e o violino brasileiro” (Petrobras/Selo Clássicos), by the violinist and maestro Cláudio Cruz, winner of the Bravo! Prime Award in 2011 in the classical music category. In the same year she revised, with Cruz, the music score of the first unabridged edition of the 26 preludes for solo violin by the composer Flausino Vale, published by Editora da Osesp. Since 2015 she has been a consultant at ANPPOM – Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Música. She is currently writing a biography of Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos, planned to be published in 2022. Fluent in English, French and native Portuguese.