Jacek Tabarkiewicz





Head of Department of Human Immunology


University of Rzeszow


Jacek Tabarkiewicz was born in Skarzysko-Kamienna, Poland, in 1974. Professor Tabarkiewicz is the Director of Center for Innovative Research in Natural and Medical Sciences and the Head of Department of Human Immunology of Medical Faculty of University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland. He graduated from Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland, with the M.D. degree in 1999. In the years 1999–2014 he was working in Clinical Immunology Department of Medical University of Lublin advancing from Ph.D. student to Associate Professor. In 2013 he started working as Professor of University of Rzeszow and focused on development of Center for Innovative Research in Natural and Medical Sciences. The mainstream of his research are cancer immunology and the role of tumor infiltrating leukocytes in cancer induced immunosuppression as well as role of dendritic cells and Th17 lymphocytes in pathogenesis of pediatric autoimmune diseases and pathology of pregnancy. The results of this work led to the clinical trials Phase I/II with the use of dendritic cells vaccination in patients with CLL or chondrosarcoma of skull. In his scientific work he focused mainly on three types of malignancies: non-small cell lung cancer, renal cell carcinoma, and B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. In 2004, his research in the field of immunology of lung cancer led to a defense of doctoral thesis “Study on Cytotoxic Response against Cancer Cells Induced by Dendritic Cells Stimulated by Cancer Antigens.” Further experiments in this field led to results findings describing correlation of immature dendritic cells and clinical prognosis in NSCLC. The second area of his scientific interests is autoimmunity and role of antigen presenting cells in breaking self-tolerance. The results of his research were summarized in habilitation thesis “The Role of Dendritic Cells in Pathogenesis and Therapy of Human Diseases.”. He is author of 133 full text publications and over 150 conference papers as well as laureate of national and international awards.