Nobuyoshi Fujinami
Associate Professor
Tsuda Univerity
FUJINAMI Nobuyoshi is associate professor at the Tsuda University in Tokyo, Japan. His main research topic is the legal and intellectual history of the modern Ottoman Empire. He is the author of The Ottomans and Constitutionalism: Politics, Religion, and Communities in the Young Turk Revolution (Nagoya: The University of Nagoya Press, 2011, in Japanese). His recent articles include “Arbitrating Capitulations: Small Versus Barbarous in the 1901 Greco-Ottoman Consular Convention,” Jus Gentium: Journal of International Legal History, 5, no. 2 (2020); “Defining Religion in a State that wasn’t: Autonomous Crete and the Question of Post-Ottoman Millet System,” Journal of Church and State (2020, advance online publication); and “The First Ottoman History of International Law,” Turcica 48 (2017).