Avi Shilon



Visiting Professor



Israel Institute


Dr. Avi Shilon is a historian and political scientist. He was Post-doctoral fellow at the New-York University, and at Tsinghua University, Beijing (2015-2016). His dissertation focused on The Revisionist Movement Leaders' Attitudes Toward Jewish religion, 1925-2005. His first book, Menachem Begin: A Life, was published by Yale University press in 2012. His second book, Ben Gurion: His Later Years in the Political Wilderness had been published by Rowman & Littlefield in 2016. His new book, The Left-Wing’s Sorrow: Yossi Beilin and the decline of the peace camp was published in Hebrew by Dvir in 2017. Shilon teaches at NYU Tel Aviv Campus and the Ben Gurion University at the Negev. He also writes op-ed columns for Haaretz.