Mark E. Mendenhall
J. Burton Frierson Chair of Excellence in Business Leadership
Gary W. Rollins College of Business
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Mark E. Mendenhall (Ph.D., Brigham Young University) holds the J. Burton Frierson Chair of Excellence in Business Leadership at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga and is a partner in The Kozai Group, a consultancy that specializes in global leadership identification, assessment, and development. He is an internationally recognized scholar in the field of global leadership and expatriate studies and is a past president of the International Division of the Academy of Management. He is a past recipient of the Ludwig Erhard Stiftungsprofessur endowed chair at the University of Bayreuth and has been a visiting professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, the Europa-Institut at Saarland University, and Reykjavik University. Dr. Mendenhall has co-authored numerous books and journal articles. His most recent book is “Global Leadership: Research, Practice, and Development” (2018, Routledge). His research appears in a variety of scholarly publications, including Academy of Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Sloan Management Review, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Human Relations, Journal of World Business, and Journal of Business Ethics. Dr. Mendenhall has traveled widely and has lived overseas for a total of nine years in New Zealand, Japan, Switzerland, and Germany.