Michael Anthony Abril
Doctoral Student
University of Notre Dame
Michael Anthony Abril is a doctoral candidate at the University of Notre Dame. He works with two major figures in U.S. Latino/a Theology, Fr. Virgilio Elizondo and Dr. Timothy Matovina. His interests cover a broad range of theological topics, including apocalyptic theology, Christology, theological anthropology, the theology of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and grace. He is a avid reader of the works of Karl Rahner, Søren Kierkegaard, René Girard, and Vladimir Solovyov, among others. His forthcoming dissertation, directed by Dr. Cyril O’Regan, is entitled “Original Sin and the Theology of Karl Rahner.” It analyzes contemporary interpretations of the doctrine of original sin through the lens of Rahner’s theology, dealing with topics such as evolution and the origin of evil, the nature of freedom, concupiscence, and mimesis and original sin.