Fei-Ling Wang
Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Georgia Institute of Technology
Fei-Ling Wang is Professor at Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology. He taught at the U.S. Military Academy (West Point) and the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) and held visiting and adjunct positions in China, France, Italy, Japan, Korea, Macau, and Singapore. Wang is the author of six books (two co-edited) including Organizing through Division and Exclusion: China's Hukou System (Stanford University Press) and China Rising: Power and Motivation in Chinese Foreign Policy (co-editor, Rowman & Littlefield). He has published over 70 book chapters and articles in journals and newspapers such as The China Quarterly, Christian Science Monitor, Harvard International Review, International Herald Tribune, Journal of Contemporary China, The New York Times, Pacific Affairs and The Washington Quarterly. Wang has appeared in news media such as Al Jazeera, AP, BBC, Businessweek, CNN, Radio China International, The Financial Times, The New York Times, The South China Morning Post, UPI, The Wall Street Journal, and the Xinhua News Agency. He has had numerous research grants including Minerva Chair grant, Fulbright Senior Scholar grant and Hitachi Fellowship. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations