Conservation Biology
- LAST REVIEWED: 23 May 2012
- LAST MODIFIED: 23 May 2012
- DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199830060-0072
- LAST REVIEWED: 23 May 2012
- LAST MODIFIED: 23 May 2012
- DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199830060-0072
Conservation biology is defined as a “mission-oriented crisis discipline” studying the nature and status of Earth’s biodiversity, with the aim to understand, protect, and perpetuate biological diversity at all scales and all levels of biological organization. The discipline is tied closely to ecology in researching the dispersal, migration, demographics, effective population size, inbreeding depression, and minimum population viability of rare or endangered species. Yet, conservation biology is an interdisciplinary subject, not only drawing on various biological sciences (ecology, genetics, evolutionary biology, etc.), but also on social sciences, economics, and conservation policy. The principles underlying each of these disciplines have immediate implications for the management of species and ecosystems, captive breeding and reintroduction, genetic analyses, and habitat restoration.
General Overviews
Textbooks on conservation biology are plentiful, but only a selection has been frequently used by advanced undergraduates and graduates, researchers, and practitioners, as exemplified by frequent updates (up to five editions). Comprehensive introductory works such as Hunter and Gibbs 2011, Primack 2008, and Van Dyke 2008 focus not only on the biological aspects of conservation biology, but also they equally highlight social, political, and economic aspects. The many case studies included in each of these books also make theoretical concepts highly explicable to the general public. As such, they prove to be a vital resource that is needed to inspire a flood of new work in the field of conservation biology. Some of the textbooks, such as Primack 2010, also target conservation practitioners, wildlife managers, and other conservation professionals, by providing tools and examples tuning conservation biology into a practical science. Similarly, although Pullin 2002 may be somewhat outdated, this nicely illustrated textbook touches on the methods that have been developed to address fundamental problems in conservation biology, from the most traditional forms of conservation to new approaches at genetic to landscape scales, consequently showing how the science can be put into practice. More recently, Sodhi and Ehrlich 2010 is a freely accessible online book covering topics such as balancing conversion and human needs, climate change, conservation planning, designing and analyzing conservation research, ecosystem services, endangered species management, extinctions, fire, habitat loss, and invasive species. Accessible intellectually and financially, to a broad audience, this book is—as stated in the title—“conservation biology for all.” Numerous textbooks focusing on more specialized topics are also available, such as Samways, et al. 2010, which focuses on aspects of insect conservation. Besides comprehensive textbooks, websites such as the Society for Conservation Biology are also an invaluable resource, providing a continuously updated platform with links and web pages targeted at students, educators, and members of the public.
Hunter, Malcolm L., and James P. Gibbs. 2011. Fundamentals of conservation biology. 3d ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell Science.
Concisely written handbook in its third edition, offering a thorough introduction to conservation biology. Integrates complex topics such as mass extinction, ecosystem degradation, and overexploitation with social, political, and economic aspects of conservation biology. Artwork provided online or on CD-ROM.
Primack, Richard B. 2008. A primer of conservation biology. 4th ed. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer.
Highly accessible introduction to conservation biology, incorporating background, theory, and examples that capture the full range of species, habitats, and geographic areas of the world. Thought provoking by highlighting conflicts and controversies. Annotated list of suggested readings and websites.
Primack, Richard B. 2010. Essentials of conservation biology. 5th ed. Sunderland, MA: Sinaeur.
Focuses on the active role that scientists, local people, the general public, conservation organizations, and governments can play in protecting biodiversity. Well-chosen case studies show that conservation biology is very much a practical science. Now in its fifth edition, supplemented by an instructor’s resource CD-ROM.
Pullin, Andrew S. 2002. Conservation biology. Cambridge, UK, and New York: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Beautifully illustrated textbook that takes the reader on a tour of the many and varied ecosystems of our planet. Provides a setting in which to explore factors that have led to the alarming loss of biodiversity, and conservation measures required to conserve them. Accessible to undergraduates, postgraduates, and established researchers.
Samways, Michael J., Melodie A. McGeoch, and Tim R. New. 2010. Insect conservation: A handbook of approaches and methods. Oxford and New York: Oxford Univ. Press.
Book describing modern as well as more “traditional” methods of insect conservation, backed up by practical background information and a global range of examples. Particularly relevant to postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students taking courses in insect ecology, conservation biology, and environmental management, as well as established researchers in these fields. It will also be a valuable reference for practitioners of nature conservation and professional entomologists worldwide.
Society for Conservation Biology.
Website of the Society for Conservation Biology, dedicated to promoting the scientific study of maintenance, loss, and restoration of biological diversity. Provides links to conservation-related journals and publications, awards, fellowships, and academic programs.
Sodhi, Navjot S., and Paul R. Ehrlich, eds. 2010. Conservation biology for all. Oxford Biology. Oxford and New York: Oxford Univ. Press.
DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199554232.001.0001
Written by some of the world’s most prominent conservation biologists. Hardcopies freely available to scientists in developing countries through the Natural History Bookstore. Also available online.
Van Dyke, Fred. 2008. Conservation biology: Foundations, concepts, applications. 2d ed. New York: Springer.
Presents key information and well-selected examples to illustrate how conservation biology links with other disciplines such as ethics, law, policy, and economics. Also provides useful hints on how to enter the work of conservation as a professional and personal vocation.
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- Accounting for Ecological Capital
- Adaptive Radiation
- Agroecology
- Allelopathy
- Allocation of Reproductive Resources in Plants
- Animals, Functional Morphology of
- Animals, Reproductive Allocation in
- Animals, Thermoregulation in
- Antarctic Environments and Ecology
- Anthropocentrism
- Applied Ecology
- Approaches and Issues in Historical Ecology
- Aquatic Conservation
- Aquatic Nutrient Cycling
- Archaea, Ecology of
- Assembly Models
- Autecology
- Bacterial Diversity in Freshwater
- Benthic Ecology
- Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
- Biodiversity, Dimensionality of
- Biodiversity, Marine
- Biodiversity Patterns in Agricultural Systms
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- Biogeochemistry
- Biological Chaos and Complex Dynamics
- Biological Rhythms
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- Biomes, South Asian
- Biophilia
- Braun, E. Lucy
- Bryophyte Ecology
- Butterfly Ecology
- Carson, Rachel
- Chemical Ecology
- Classification Analysis
- Coastal Dune Habitats
- Coevolution
- Communicating Ecology
- Communities and Ecosystems, Indirect Effects in
- Communities, Top-Down and Bottom-Up Regulation of
- Community Concept, The
- Community Ecology
- Community Genetics
- Community Phenology
- Competition and Coexistence in Animal Communities
- Competition in Plant Communities
- Complexity Theory
- Conservation Biology
- Conservation Genetics
- Coral Reefs
- Darwin, Charles
- Dead Wood in Forest Ecosystems
- Decomposition
- De-Glaciation, Ecology of
- Dendroecology
- Disease Ecology
- Dispersal
- Drought as a Disturbance in Forests
- Early Explorers, The
- Earth’s Climate, The
- Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics
- Ecological Dynamics in Fragmented Landscapes
- Ecological Education
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- Ecological Forecasting
- Ecological Informatics
- Ecological Relevance of Speciation
- Ecology, Introductory Sources in
- Ecology, Microbial (Community)
- Ecology of Emerging Zoonotic Viruses
- Ecology of the Atlantic Forest
- Ecology, Stochastic Processes in
- Ecosystem Ecology
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- Ecosystem Multifunctionality
- Ecosystem Services
- Ecosystem Services, Conservation of
- Ecotourism
- Elton, Charles
- Endophytes, Fungal
- Energy Flow
- Environmental Anthropology
- Environmental Justice
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- Ethics, Ecological
- European Natural History Tradition
- Evolutionarily Stable Strategies
- Facilitation and the Organization of Communities
- Fern and Lycophyte Ecology
- Fire Ecology
- Fishes, Climate Change Effects on
- Flood Ecology
- Food Webs
- Foraging Behavior, Implications of
- Foraging, Optimal
- Forests, Temperate Coniferous
- Forests, Temperate Deciduous
- Freshwater Invertebrate Ecology
- Genetic Considerations in Plant Ecological Restoration
- Genomics, Ecological
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- Geographic Range
- Gleason, Henry
- Grazer Ecology
- Greig-Smith, Peter
- Gymnosperm Ecology
- Habitat Selection
- Harper, John L.
- Harvesting Alternative Water Resources (US West)
- Heavy Metal Tolerance
- Heterogeneity
- Himalaya, Ecology of the
- Host-Parasitoid Interactions
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- Human Ecology of the Andes
- Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence
- Hutchinson, G. Evelyn
- Indigenous Ecologies
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- Insect Ecology, Terrestrial
- Invasive Species
- Island Biogeography Theory
- Island Biology
- Keystone Species
- Kin Selection
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- Landscape Ecology
- Laws, Ecological
- Legume-Rhizobium Symbiosis, The
- Leopold, Aldo
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- MacArthur, Robert H.
- Mangrove Zone Ecology
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- Marine Subsidies
- Mass Effects
- Mathematical Ecology
- Mating Systems
- Maximum Sustainable Yield
- Metabolic Scaling Theory
- Metacommunity Dynamics
- Metapopulations and Spatial Population Processes
- Microclimate Ecology
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- Movement Ecology, Modeling and Data Analysis in
- Multiple Stable States and Catastrophic Shifts in Ecosyste...
- Mutualisms and Symbioses
- Mycorrhizal Ecology
- Natural History Tradition, The
- Networks, Ecological
- Niche Versus Neutral Models of Community Organization
- Niches
- Nutrient Foraging in Plants
- Ocean Sprawl
- Oceanography, Microbial
- Odum, Eugene and Howard
- Old Fields
- Ordination Analysis
- Organic Agriculture, Ecology of
- Paleoecology
- Paleolimnology
- Parental Care, Evolution of
- Pastures and Pastoralism
- Patch Dynamics
- Patrick, Ruth
- Peatlands
- Phenotypic Plasticity
- Phenotypic Selection
- Philosophy, Ecological
- Phylogenetics and Comparative Methods
- Physics, Ecology and
- Physiological Ecology of Nutrient Acquisition in Animals
- Physiological Ecology of Photosynthesis
- Physiological Ecology of Water Balance in Terrestrial Anim...
- Physiological Ecology of Water Balance in Terrestrial Plan...
- Plant Blindness
- Plant Disease Epidemiology
- Plant Ecological Responses to Extreme Climatic Events
- Plant-Insect Interactions
- Polar Regions
- Pollination Ecology
- Population Dynamics, Density-Dependence and Single-Species
- Population Dynamics, Methods in
- Population Ecology, Animal
- Population Ecology, Plant
- Population Fluctuations and Cycles
- Population Genetics
- Population Viability Analysis
- Populations and Communities, Dynamics of Age- and Stage-St...
- Predation and Community Organization
- Predation, Sublethal
- Predator-Prey Interactions
- Radioecology
- Reductionism Versus Holism
- Religion and Ecology
- Remote Sensing
- Restoration Ecology
- Rewilding
- Ricketts, Edward Flanders Robb
- Sclerochronology
- Secondary Production
- Seed Ecology
- Senescence
- Serpentine Soils
- Shelford, Victor
- Simulation Modeling
- Socioecology
- Soil Biogeochemistry
- Soil Ecology
- Spatial Pattern Analysis
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- Spatial Scale and Biodiversity
- Species Distribution Modeling
- Species Extinctions
- Species Responses to Climate Change
- Species-Area Relationships
- Stability and Ecosystem Resilience, A Below-Ground Perspec...
- Stoichiometry, Ecological
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- Succession
- Sustainable Development
- Systematic Conservation Planning
- Systems Ecology
- Tansley, Sir Arthur
- Terrestrial Nitrogen Cycle
- Terrestrial Resource Limitation
- Territoriality
- Theory and Practice of Biological Control
- Thermal Ecology of Animals
- Tragedy of the Commons
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- Trophic Levels
- Tropical Humid Forest Biome
- Urban Ecology
- Urban Forest Ecology
- Vegetation Classification
- Vegetation Dynamics, Remote Sensing of
- Vegetation Mapping
- Vicariance Biogeography
- Weed Ecology
- Wetland Ecology
- Whittaker, Robert H.
- Wildlife Ecology