Agricultural Meteorology/Climatology
- LAST REVIEWED: 28 July 2021
- LAST MODIFIED: 28 July 2021
- DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199874002-0235
- LAST REVIEWED: 28 July 2021
- LAST MODIFIED: 28 July 2021
- DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199874002-0235
Agricultural meteorology (also referred to as agrometeorology) is the study of the effects of weather on agriculture, while agricultural climatology (alternatively, agroclimatology) is concerned with the effects of climate on agriculture. These fields of study share many of the same goals, philosophies, approaches, and methods. As a consequence, disciplinary boundaries are indistinct, and the terms “agricultural meteorology” and “agrometeorology” are increasingly used interchangeably with “agricultural climatology” and “agroclimatology.” Agricultural meteorology/climatology is oftentimes considered a bridge between the physical and biological sciences, although this interdisciplinarity increasingly includes the social sciences. While most research has focused on the production of food staples (e.g., maize, rice, and wheat), agricultural meteorologists and climatologists also address the influence of weather and climate on specialty crops, animal husbandry, commercial forestry, and aquaculture. Management of agricultural pests and diseases is another major focus. Atmospheric and biophysical processes operating at a wide range of temporal and spatial scales—from seconds to centuries and from an individual leaf to a global agricultural system—are explored. Agricultural meteorologists and climatologists promote the sustainable management of agricultural resources and strive to improve the livelihoods of agricultural stakeholders. Both basic and applied research are conducted to further these goals, and agricultural meteorologists and climatologists are often involved in the development, delivery, and evaluation of agricultural services. These services range from decision support tools for daily agricultural operations to services focused on seasonal or longer-term planning. Observations of the atmosphere-plant-soil environment are central to research and applications in agricultural meteorology/climatology, as are empirical and process-based models. Agriculture is highly vulnerable to climate variability and change, and potential adaptation strategies are widely investigated. Mitigation is also a concern as many agriculture activities emit greenhouse gases or contribute to land cover change. As other entries in Oxford Bibliographies address the theoretical aspects of atmosphere-plant-soil interactions (see “Land-Atmosphere Interactions” by Geoffrey M. Henebry, Nathan J. Moore, and Jiquan Chen), this entry primarily focuses on the applications-based literature in agricultural meteorology/climatology. The intent is to draw on both classic and recent literature to illustrate the nature of the research questions and applications of concern to agricultural meteorologists and climatologists, the approaches they use to address these questions and concerns, and the types of agricultural services they provide.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology was the first journal devoted exclusively to research on agricultural meteorology/climatology. Published since 1964 (although until 1984 under the title Agricultural Meteorology), this journal is well known for its focus on basic and applied research relevant to agricultural production. Two other journals that are closely aligned with agricultural meteorology/climatology are Boundary-Layer Meteorology, a frequent outlet for research on fine-scale micrometeorological processes, and International Journal of Biometeorology, an interdisciplinary journal focusing on the interactions between living organisms and their environment. The latter has become a primary resource for research on crop phenology. Several journals are important outlets for research on the availability and management of water for agriculture, including Journal of Hydrology, Water Research, and Journal of Environmental Management. Agricultural Systems, which broadly focuses on the interactions among the different components of an agricultural system, is another popular publication outlet as is Climate Services, a journal devoted to how climate information can be of assistance to society. Climatic Change is a frequent outlet for research on the potential impacts of climate variability and change on agriculture. A large portion of the research in agricultural meteorology/climatology is published in a wide range of disciplinary-specific journals, reflecting the diverse disciplinary backgrounds of its practitioners. Frequent outlets include, among many others, Agronomy Journal, Applied Geography, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, and Transactions of the ASABE.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 1984–.
Flagship journal for the publication of basic and applied research related to agricultural production.
Agricultural Systems. 1976–.
Focuses on the interactions of agricultural systems, including their interactions with the natural environment.
Agronomy Journal. 1907–.
Published by the American Society of Agronomy, this journal solicits and frequently publishes contributions on agricultural meteorology/climatology.
Applied Geography. 1981–.
Often publishes research on the spatial dimensions of weather and climate impacts on agriculture.
Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 1970–.
Leading journal for research on the atmospheric and biophysical processes occurring within the lowest layer of the atmosphere.
Climatic Change. 1977–.
A popular outlet for research on the potential impacts of climate variability and change on agriculture and agriculture’s contributions to climate change.
Climate Services. 2016–.
Solicits research on the integration of science and practice in the development of decision-support aids derived from climate information and aims to enhance the dialogue between researchers and stakeholders.
International Journal of Biometeorology. 1957–.
Broadly concerned with the interactions between the atmosphere and living organisms, this journal is a popular outlet for research on crop phenology.
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 1962–.
Publishes applied research related to agricultural meteorology/climatology.
Journal of Environmental Management. 1990–.
A leading journal for research on the assessment, management, and modeling of environmental systems including agricultural systems.
Journal of Hydrology. 1963–.
Publishes research on all aspects of hydrology including the availability and management of water for agriculture.
Transactions of the ASABE. 2006–.
Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, this journal is a key outlet for research on the engineering aspects and applications of agricultural meteorology/climatology.
Water Research. 1967–.
An interdisciplinary journal with an applied focus that frequently publishes research on atmosphere-soil-plant interactions and modifications to the water cycle.
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