What's New: August 2021
August 25, 2021
Oxford Bibliographies is regularly updated with new articles and additions to existing articles. This month, 57 new and 17 revised articles have been added across 31 subjects:
New Articles
African American Studies
African Americans in Cincinnati, Eric Jackson
American Literature
Early 20th-Century Popular American Magazines, David Earle
Architecture, Planning, and Preservation
Frank Lloyd Wright, Joseph M. Siry
Greek Building Technology and Methods, Alessandro Pierattini
Atlantic History
Argentina, Claudia Contente
Simón Bolívar, Joshua Simon
Technology, Inventing, and Patenting, Aaron Graham
Biblical Studies
Race, Ethnicity and the Gospels, Yung Suk Kim
British and Irish Literature
Welsh Writing Before 1500, Georgia Henley
Masao Abe, James L. Fredericks
Childhood Studies
Boys and Fatherhood, Martin Robb
Children and Sport, Aisling Parkes
Cinema and Media Studies
Terry Gilliam, Hilary Donatini
Plautus’s Curculio, T. H. M. Gellar-Goad
Fake News, Julian McDougall
Community-Based Substance Use Prevention, Abigail A. Fagan, C. Cory Lowe
Day Fines, Jakub Drápal
Elder Abuse, Preeti Nijhar
Marvin Wolfgang, N. A. Weihe, Edna Erez
Multi-Level Marketing Scams, Bryan Burton, Michell Consulter
Open Education, Mary Hricko
Evolutionary Biology
Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Gerd B. Müller, Ehab Abouheif
Goddess Worship and Bhakti, Elaine Craddock
International Law
African Approaches to International Law, Babatunde Fagbayibo
An International Rule of Law, Leander Beinlich, Anne Peters
Derogations and Reservations in International Law, Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Agnes Rydberg
International Law in Portuguese, George Bandeira Galindo
International Law in Turkish, Berdal Aral
The 1948 Arab-Israeli Conflict and International Law, Noura Erakat
The Ottoman Empire and International Law, Nobuyoshi Fujinami
International Relations
Audience Costs and the Credibility of Commitments, Zenobia T. Chan, Samuel Liu, Kai Quek
Jewish Studies
Abraham Sutzkever, Sunny S. Yudkoff
Emma Goldman, Marla Brettschneider
Latin American Studies
Alcohol Use, David Carey Jr.
Gender during the Period of Latin American Independence, Sarah C. Chambers
Independence in Argentina, Daniel K. Lewis
Paraguay, Andrew Nickson
The Archaeology of Central America, Edward Schortman, Patricia Urban
Latino Studies
Dominicans and Baseball, April Yoder, Rob Ruck
Environmental Issues in Latinx Studies, Christina Holmes, Mayra Leon Coss
Gentrification, Nancy Raquel Mirabal
Literary and Critical Theory
Alain Badiou, Hollis Phelps
Resource Redeployment, Timothy B. Folta
Medieval Studies
The Use of Sarum and Other Liturgical Uses in Later Medieval Britain, Matthew Cheung Salisbury
C. I. Lewis, Eric Dayton
Conceptions of Faith, Kirk Lougheed, Perry Hendricks
Jane Addams, Maurice Hamington
Philosophy of Boredom, Andreas Elpidorou, Josefa Ros Velasco
Political Science
Celebrities in US Politics, Harry C. Strine IV
The Study of Independent Voters, Carlee Beth Hawkins, Colleen Moroney
Public Health
Child Labor, Derek Shendell, Juhi Aggarwal
Global Health Security, Sara E. Davies, Jessica Kirk
Infant Mortality, Zulfiqar A. Bhutta, Amira Khan, Omar Irfan
Intersectoral Action, Evelyne de Leeuw
Mandatory Vaccination, Katie Attwell
Renaissance and Reformation
Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples, Richard J. Oosterhoff
Social Work
In-home Child Welfare Services, Miriam Landsman
Revised Articles
Nāgārjuna, Paul Donnelly
Instructional Communication, Scott A. Myers
School Accreditation, Charles H. Skipper
Environmental Science
Animal Ethics, Clare Palmer, Gary Varner
Latin American Studies
Latino Studies
Dominican Diaspora, Sarah Aponte
Georg von der Gabelentz, Els Elffers
Research Methods, David Chan
American Country Music, Travis Stimeling
Renaissance and Reformation
Avignon Papacy, Joëlle Rollo-Koster
Cardinal Richelieu, Eric Nelson
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Lloyd Strickland
Luis de Góngora, Humberto Huergo
Social Work
Ethics and Values in Social Work, Frederic G. Reamer
Evidence-based Social Work Practice: Issues, Controversies, and Debates, Edward J. Mullen
Risk Management in Social Work, Frederic G. Reamer