Environmental History

Editor in Chief | Area Editors | Forthcoming Articles

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Environmental History explores the relationships between human communities and the natural world. It presumes the centrality of nature to human affairs, whether in the context of daily life, the development of social and political structures, or the creation of artistic, religious, and philosophical traditions. It sheds light on how societies have navigated changing environmental conditions due to climate change; air, soil, and water pollution; species extinction; or altered resource availability because of economic exploitation or violent conflict. Environmental History is inherently interdisciplinary. It incorporates theoretical frameworks and data from Anthropology, Geography, Public Policy, and Sociology, as well as Astronomy, Chemistry, Ecology, Environmental Science, and Geology, among others. Oxford Bibliographies in Environmental History gathers classic and contemporary scholarship into one convenient place to serve a wide readership across these historical fields and disciplinary boundaries. The project strives for inclusiveness not only in its subject matter but also in its authorship, bringing unique perspectives to a field long dominated by a single demographic.

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Editor in Chief

Lisa M. Brady is department chair and professor of History at Boise State University. Her research examines the ways military activities—during peace time and in times of conflict—shape and are shaped by the natural environment. Her first book, War upon the Land: Military Strategy and the Transformation of Southern Landscapes during the American Civil War, was published by the University of Georgia Press in 2012. She is currently working on a volume on global war and environment for the Very Short Introduction series by Oxford University Press. Her research has been published in numerous collected volumes and scholarly journals, including Environmental History, Journal of Asian Studies, Diplomatic History, and Notes and Records of the Royal Society for the History of Science. Brady served as the editor-in-chief for the scholarly journal Environmental History from 2013 through 2019. She serves on numerous editorial boards and is editor-in-chief for the Series on War, Conflict, and Environment with Leiden University Press.


Whitman College
Georgetown University
Smith College
Stony Brook University
The University of Alabama
University of Dayton


Agroecology Activism
Animal Rights and More-than-Human Environmentalism
Anti-Nuclear Activism
Appalachian Environmental Activism
Asian Pacific Islander Environmental Activism
Backlash Against Environmentalism
Black Ecologies and Black Power Environmentalism
Carceral Ecologies
Climate Activism
Corporate and Business Environmentalism
Cold War Environmentalism
Energy Activism
Environmental History of Australia and New Zealand
Environmental History of East Asia
Environmental History of Europe
Environmental History of Latin America
Environmental History of South and Southeast Asia
Environmental History of Sub-Saharan Africa
Environmental Justice
Food Activism
Global Environmental Activism
Grassroots Activism
Health and Environmentalism
Histories of U.S. Environmentalism
Indigenous/Native American Environmental Activism
The Land Back Movement
Latinx Environmentalism
LGBTQ Environmental Activism
Militarized Environments
Origins of Environmental History
Pedagogy on Environmentalism
Pipeline Activism
Religion and Environmentalism
Toxics and Health
Trends in Environmental History Scholarship, 2000-2023
Urban Environmentalism
Waste and Reuse
Youth Environmental Activism


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