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Oxford Bibliographies


Oxford Bibliographies gives libraries instant access to a trusted, comprehensive database of expert knowledge.

What is this resource?

Oxford Bibliographies delivers selective guides to the most important scholarly and scientific literature in major fields of study. Expert recommendations help users to orient themselves within a field of research, and to identify the leading authors, the key works, the major debates, and the ideas that have shaped the scholarly conversation.

Articles are written by a leading scholar in the field, and provide a selective list of recommended sources as well as original commentary and contextual annotations. Those recommendations and commentary are then rigorously peer reviewed to ensure accuracy and objectivity. Led by an Editor in Chief and an Editorial Board, participation is by invitation-only, and each subject module provides a balanced perspective and unimpeachable accuracy. 

  • Convenience: 24/7 access to in-depth bibliographic guides on over 5000 subjects in 40 academic disciplines—with more being added each year.
  • Increased productivity: Student, faculty, and librarian researchers can quickly orient themselves in unfamiliar subjects and find recommendations to the most important sources on the topic. It can be used when creating a syllabus, directing students to reliable sources, and to find additional readings.
  • Authoritative content: Articles by invitation only and then are rigorously peer reviewed and vetted to ensure scholarly accuracy and objectivity.
  • Join the conversation: International experts from across a broad range of academic disciplines share the trusted sources they use.
  • User-friendly interface: Researchers are guided directly to the information they’re looking for, and can save time with personalized citation lists and seamless links to full-text print and online content.
  • Designed for digital research: Developed in collaboration with librarians and scholars worldwide, Oxford Bibliographies is an online-only resource designed to address the growing problem of information overload. Unlike other bibliographic resources or indexing services, Oxford Bibliographies is a highly selective, peer-reviewed, and continually updated.

Please contact your librarian with questions about how to use
Oxford Bibliographies or to request additional access. 

 For more information, send us an email.