Medieval Studies
Editor in Chief | Area Editors | Articles and Contributors
The field of Medieval Studies explores European and Mediterranean civilization from the 4th to the 15th centuries. This period, which has a critical importance for the understanding of Western culture, can best be approached through a combination of several disciplines, from history to literature, from art to archaeology, from religion to gender studies. As such, it is constantly responding to the emergence of new interpretations and ideas for scholars to consider. In addition to the extensive scholarship which already exists, much of the most recent work has moved online so that today’s students and researchers have ready access to primary source texts and a range of other electronic resources. Managing the ever-expanding universe of scholarly information in this field of study has proved to be a monumental if not near impossible task. Oxford Bibliographies in Medieval Studies provides students and scholars with a reliable and authoritative solution to the problem of information overload.
Editor in Chief

Christopher Kleinhenz is Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he taught 13th- and 14th-century Italian literature (1968–2007). Special interests include Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio, the Romance lyric tradition, palaeography and manuscript studies, and the relationship of art and literature. Selected books and editions: Medieval Manuscripts and Textual Criticism (1976); The Early Italian Sonnet (1986); Medieval Italy: An Encyclopedia (2004); Courtly Arts and the Art of Courtliness (2006); The Medieval Francophone World and its Neighbours (2011); Approaches to Teaching Petrarch’s Canzoniere and the Petrarchan Tradition (2014); Dante intertestuale e interdisciplinare: saggi sulla “Commedia” (2015); and Approaches to Teaching Dante’s Divine Comedy (2020), and more than one-hundred articles. Past President: American Association of Teachers of Italian; American Boccaccio Association; Medieval Association of the Midwest. Editor: Dante Studies (1988–2002), Letteratura cavalleresca italiana (2019–), and Rivista internazionale di ricerche dantesche. (2020–). Honors: UW Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching; AATI Distinguished Service Award; Fiorino d’oro (Società Dantesca Italiana and the City of Florence); Distinguished Service Award, Dante Society of America; Fellow, Medieval Academy of America.
(1941 – 2021)
Western Michigan University
Trinity College, Cambridge
University of Wisconsin – Madison
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Notre Dame
University of Wisconsin – Madison
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Western Michigan University
Western Michigan University
University of Texas at Austin
Amherst College
Western Michigan University
Cornell University
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
University of Southampton
University of Leeds
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Catholic University of Lublin John Paul II
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
Central European University
University of Notre Dame
State University of New York, Stony Brook
University of Mississippi
* = recently published
Art and Architecture
Catherine E. Karkov
University of Leeds
Catherine E. Karkov
University of Leeds
Elizabeth Coatsworth
Manchester Metropolitan University
Catherine E. Karkov
University of Leeds
Christina Maranci
Tufts University
Jennifer Lee
Indiana University—Purdue University Indianapolis
Sigrid Danielson
Grand Valley State University
Evan Gatti
Elon University
Rose Walker
Courtauld Institute of Art
Nicholas Rogers
University of Cambridge
Nicholas Rogers
University of Cambridge
Carol A. Farr
Lynn Jones
Florida State University
Jeffrey C. Anderson
George Washington University
Caroline Goodson
University of London
Eric Ramírez-Weaver
University of Virginia
Sigrid Danielson
Grand Valley State University
Maximilian Sternberg
University of Cambridge
K.C. Innemée
Universiteit Leiden
Karen Overbey
Tufts University
Alexandra Gajewski
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales
Catherine E. Karkov
University of Leeds
Glenn Peers
The University of Texas at Austin
Catherine E. Karkov
University of Leeds
Peter K. Klein
Catherine E. Karkov
University of Leeds
Carol A. Farr
D. Fairchild Ruggles
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Alison Locke Perchuk
California State University Channel Islands
Katrin Kogman-Appel
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Carol A. Farr
Michelle P. Brown
University of London
Sarah Guérin
University of Pennsylvania
Sarah S. Wilkins
Johns Hopkins University
Corinna T. Gallori
Max Planck Institute
Thomas E. A. Dale
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Daniel C. Cochran
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Rose Walker
Courtauld Institute of Art
Laura Cleaver
Trinity College Dublin
Karen Blough
State University of New York, Plattsburgh
Jane Geddes
University of Aberdeen
Elizabeth Valdez del Álamo
Montclair State University
Catherine E. Karkov
University of Leeds
Nancy L. Wicker
The University of Mississippi
Brigitte Miriam Bedos-Rezak
New York University
Ellen Shortell
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Elizabeth Coatsworth
Manchester Metropolitan University
Gale R. Owen-Crocker
University of Manchester
Lynn Jones
Florida State University
Herbert R. Broderick FSA
Lehman College, City University of New York
Shirin Fozi
University of Pittsburgh
Matthew Reeve
Queens University
Kelley M. Wickham-Crowley
Georgetown University
History and Archaeology
Chris Given-Wilson
University of St Andrews
Charles Russell Stone
University of Nevada, Reno
Joseph T. Snow
Michigan State University
Paul E. Szarmach
Western Michigan University
Ralph V. Turner
Emily Zack Tabuteau
Michigan State University
David A. Hinton
University of Southampton
Ralph W. Mathisen
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Winthrop Wetherbee
Cornell University
Faith Wallis
McGill University
Thomas F.X. Noble
University of Notre Dame
Richard Ring
University of Kansas
Mary-Jo Arn
Jane Taylor
Durham University
Kasandra M. Castle
University of Toronto
Michael Gervers
University of Toronto
Lister M. Matheson
Michigan State University
Albrecht Berger
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
John France
Swansea University
Chris Daniell
University of York
James Davis
Queen's University Belfast
Alberto Montaner
Universidad de Zaragoza
Pablo Justel
Columbia University
Douglas Biggs
The University of Nebraska at Kearney
Pawel Kras
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Constance B. Bouchard
The University of Akron
George Dameron
St. Michael's College
Robert F. Berkhofer III
Western Michigan University
Joseph P. Byrne
Belmont University
Anne Curry
University of Southampton
Elod Nemerkenyi
Central European University
Sarah Peverley
University of Liverpool
Christopher A. Snyder
Marymount University
Pawel Kras
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Richard Ring
University of Kansas
Frederik Buylaert
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
David A. Hinton
University of Southampton
David A. Hinton
University of Southampton
Helen Bradley
London Records Societ
Dallas G. Denery
Bowdoin College
Stefania Merlo Perring
University of York
Sarah-Grace Heller
Ohio State University
Philip Slavin
McGill University
A.C.S. Peacock
University of St Andrews
Pawel Kras
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Joel Rosenthal
Stony Brook University, State University of New York
Gregory I. Halfond
Framingham State University
Robin Fleming
Boston College
Elena Woodacre
University of Winchester
Miriam Shadis
Ohio University
Robert F. Berkhofer III
Western Michigan University
Thomas Izbicki
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Nicholas Orme
University of Exeter
Ian Friel
Olivia Remie Constable
Douglas Dales
Oxford University
Emma Loosley Leeming
University of Exeter
Neil Murphy
Northumbria University
Thelma Fenster
Fordham University
Benjamin McRee
Franklin & Marshall College
Andrew Marsham
Queens' College, University of Cambridge
Nancy L. Wicker
The University of Mississippi
Nancy Mandeville Caciola
University of California, San Diego
Literature and Philosophy
Valerie L. Garver
Northern Illinois University
Rosalind C. Love
Robinson College, University of Cambridge
Krista A. Milne
Universiteit Leiden
Jane Taylor
Durham University
Francesco Marco Aresu
Wesleyan University
Maria Bendinelli Predelli
McGill University
Norris J. Lacy
The Pennsylvania State University
Michael Twomey
Ithaca College
Douglas Kelly
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Paul E. Szarmach
Western Michigan University
Philip Phillips
Middle Tennessee State University
Rachel Moss
Trinity College, Dublin
Julia Bolton Holloway
University of Colorado, Boulder
Gernot Wieland
University of British Columbia
Peter V. Loewen
Rice University
James Hannam
Keith Busby
University of Wisconsin
Tracy Adams Rechtschaffen
University of Auckland
Simon Skovgaard Boeck
The Danish Language and Literature Society, DSL
Michael W. Herren
York University
Scott Bruce
Fordham University
Ásdís Egilsdóttir
University of Iceland
Christina M. Heckman
Augusta University
Chris Kleinhenz
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Clifford Davidson
Western Michigan University
Wim Hüsken
Brian Maxson
East Tennessee State University
Terry Gunnell
University of Iceland
Thomas Cable
The University of Texas at Austin
Matthew James Driscoll
University of Copenhagen
Maria Cristina Panzera
University of Bordeaux Montaigne
Lofton Durham
Western Michigan University
Andrew Galloway
Cornell University
Glenn Ehrstine
The University of Iowa
Akash Kumar
Indiana university Bloomington
Chris Kleinhenz
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Stephanos Efthymiadis
Open University of Cyprus
Andrew Galloway
Cornell University
Charles D. Wright
University of Illinois
Sverrir Jakobsson
University of Iceland
Karl Kinsella
University of Oxford
Lesley Smith
University of Oxford
Alessandro Vettori
Rutgers University
Matteo Leonardi
Christopher Swift
New York City College of Technology
Joseph P. Byrne
Belmont University
Nerida Newbigin
The University of Sydney
Elisabetta Bartoli
University of Siena
Kristen Mossler Figg
Kent State University
Susanna Fein
Kent State University
Karen A. Winstead
The Ohio State University
Andrew Galloway
Cornell University
Andrew Galloway
Cornell University
Robert J. Meyer-Lee
Indiana University
Beth Allison Barr
Baylor University
Lynneth J. Miller
Anderson University
Margaret Connolly
University of St Andrews
Michael Twomey
Ithaca College
Denise Baker
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Ármann Jakobsson
University of Iceland
Douglas Kelly
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Kirsten Wolf
University of Wisconsin
Nils Holger Petersen
Københavns Universitet
Glyn Burgess
University of Liverpool
Douglas Kelly
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Amanda Gerber
University of California, Los Angeles
Michael P. Kuczynski
Tulane University
Laurie Postlewate
Barnard College
Fabio Sangiovanni
University of Padova
Douglas Imada Sugano
Whitworth University
Renée R. Trilling
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Frederick M. Biggs
University of Connecticut
Jana K. Schulman
Western Michigan University
Simon Horobin
University of Oxford
Joshua O'Driscoll
Morgan Library & Museum
Jamie C. Fumo
Florida State University
Chris Kleinhenz
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Michele Trizio
University of Bari
Laurie Shepard
Boston College
Lawrence Clopper
Indiana University Bloomington
Ann E. Moyer
University of Pennsylvania
Wendy Matlock
Kansas State University
John C. Hirsh
Georgetown University
Arthur Russell
Case Western Reserve University
Matthew James Driscoll
University of Copenhagen
Ralf Lützelschwab
Freie Universität Berlin
Kate Greenspan
Skidmore College
Susanna Fein
Kent State University
John Marshall
University of Bristol
Marianne Kalinke
University of Illinois
Annette Lassen
University of Copenhagen
Natalie M. Van Deusen
University of Alberta
D. Thomas Hanks, Jr.
Baylor University
Margaret Clunies Ross
University of Sydney
Emily Beyer
University of Wisconsin
Kirsten Wolf
University of Wisconsin
Tmothy A. Shonk
Eastern Illinois University
Patrick W. Conner
West Virginia University
Cynthia Rogers
Saint Louis University
Murray McGillivray
University of Calgary
Susanna Fein
Kent State University
Christopher Nissen
Northern Illinois University
Leslie Lockett
The Ohio State University
Francis G. Gentry
Pennsylvania State University
Richard Trachsler
Universität Zürich
Laura Endress
Universität Zürich
Neil Cartlidge
Durham University
James H. Morey
Emory University
David Raybin
Eastern Illinois University
Timothy Arner
Grinnell College
Rosalind C. Love
Robinson College, University of Cambridge
Paul E. Szarmach
Western Michigan University
Wendy Scase
University of Birmingham
Andrew Galloway
Cornell University
Andrew Galloway
Cornell University
Gunilla Iversen
Stockholms universitet
Francoise Le Saux
University of Reading
Michael G. Sargent
Queens College, City University of New York
Frederick Suppe
Ball State University
Jenny Pelletier
KU Leuven, University of Leuven
Magali Roques
University of Hamburg
Albrecht Classen
The University of Arizona
Clifford Davidson
Western Michigan University
Alice V. Clark
Loyola University New Orleans
Matthew Cheung Salisbury
University of Oxford
Marco Gozzi
University of Trento
Hana Vlhová-Wörner
Masaryk University
Jan Herlinger
Louisiana State University
Vincent Corrigan
Bowling Green State University
James J. Blasina
Swarthmore College
Nathan R. Anderson
Swarthmore College
Helen Coffey
The Open University
Nicholas Bleisch
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Timothy J. McGee
University of Toronto
Mary E. Wolinski
Western Kentucky University
Matthew P. Thomson
University College Dublin
Joyce Hill
University of Leeds
Marsha L. Dutton
Lorenzo DiTommaso
Concordia University
Martin Heale
University of Liverpool
Brian Patrick McGuire
Roskilde Universitet
Brian Murdoch
University of Stirling
Volker Schier
Arizona State University
Hannah Ewing
Rollins College
Edward Peters
University of Pennsylvania
Melodie H. Eichbauer
Florida Gulf Coast University
Julian Luxford
University of St Andrews
Constant J. Mews
Monash University
Joel Rosenthal
Stony Brook University, State University of New York
Joel Rosenthal
Stony Brook University, State University of New York
Samuel Fanous
University of Oxford
Henrietta Leyser
St Peter’s College
Vincent Corrigan
Bowling Green State University
Edward Peters
University of Pennsylvania
Lisa Bitel
University of Southern California, Dornsife
Jens Röhrkasten
University of Birmingham
John Doran
University of Chester
Jennifer Garrison
St. Mary's University
Silvia Serventi
Daniel Hobbins
The Ohio State University
Yechiel Schur
University of Pennsylvania
Robert Chazan
New York University
Pietro Delcorno
University of Leeds
Richard W. Pfaff
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Matthew Cheung Salisbury
University of Oxford
Andrew Hughes
University of Toronto
Claire Fanger
Rice University
Michael G. Sargent
Queens College, City University of New York
Jason Aleksander
Saint Xavier University
Steven Vanderputten
Ghent University
Constant J. Mews
Monash University
John Doran
University of Chester
Martin Heale
University of Liverpool
Daniel Najork
San Diego State University
M.V. Dougherty
Ohio Dominican University
Margaret Connolly
University of St Andrews
Clifford Davidson
Western Michigan University
Robert F. Berkhofer III
Western Michigan University
Thomas N. Nall
University of Notre Dame
Lex Bosman
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Marsha L. Dutton
Tyler Sergent
Berea College
Christopher M. Roman
Kent State University
Andrew Holt
University of Florida
Fiona Somerset
Duke University
Derrick Pitard
Slippery Rock University
Thomas F.X. Noble
University of Notre Dame
Atria Larson
Saint Louis University
Matthew Cheung Salisbury
University of Oxford
M.V. Dougherty
Ohio Dominican University
R.E. Houser
University of St. Thomas
Jonathan Wilcox
The University of Iowa
Society and Culture
Andrew Rabin
University of Louisville
Divna Manolova
Observatoire de Paris, SYRTE
Nicholas Orme
University of Exeter
Alan M. Stahl
Princeton University
Timothy J. McGee
University of Toronto
Mary Channen Caldwell
University of Pennsylvania
Sophie Oosterwijk
University of St Andrews
Gale R. Owen-Crocker
University of Manchester
Elizabeth Coatsworth
Manchester Metropolitan University
Charis Messis
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Baudouin Van den Abeele
Université catholique de Louvain
An Smets
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Joel Rosenthal
Stony Brook University, State University of New York
Jacqueline Murray
University of Guelph
Max Harris
University of Wisconsin—Madison
Thomas Pettitt
Syddansk Universitet
Constance B. Hieatt
University of Western Ontario
Johnna Holloway
Nicholas Orme
University of Exeter
Sethina Watson
University of York
Maria Bendinelli Predelli
McGill University
Elod Nemerkenyi
Central European University
David Bell
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Elod Nemerkenyi
Central European University
Philip Butterworth
University of Leeds
James Davis
Queen's University Belfast
Jacqueline Murray
University of Guelph
Peter Murray Jones
Kings College, University of Cambridge
Rosa Smurra
University of Bologna
Francesca Bocchi
University of Bologna
Hannah Skoda
St John's College
Alexander Harper
Princeton University
Olivia Colquitt
University of Liverpool
Thomas Cable
The University of Texas at Austin
Jón Viðar Sigurðsson
University of Oslo
Helle Vogt
University of Copenhagen
Thomas Cable
The University of Texas at Austin
Pamela Armstrong
University of Oxford
Christian Raffensperger
Wittenberg University
Kim M. Phillips
The University of Auckland
Hannah Barker
Arizona State University
James Muldoon
John Carter Brown Library, Brown University
Matthew Steel
Western Michigan University
Stavroula Constantinou
University of Cyprus
Kim M. Phillips
The University of Auckland
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