
Editor in Chief | Area Editors | Articles and Contributors

Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling an organization’s financial, physical, human, and information resources in ways intended to achieve and maintain organizational effectiveness. Because the business world exists in a dynamic and fluid environment, the essential elements, processes, and functions (and the interrelationships among these) that comprise management are subject to constant change. It is therefore critical that students, scholars, and professionals stay abreast of new theoretical ideas, new interpretations, and new empirical findings, but the vast array of unpredictable and uncontrollable variables makes it difficult to find the best current information. Oxford Bibliographies in Management will offer students and researchers alike a reliable, up-to-date, and authoritative guide to the best literature in the field.


Spotlight: Organizational Behavior and Cross-Cultural Management

Organizational behavior is the multidisciplinary study of human behavior within organizational settings and the organization itself, while the area of cross-cultural management examines the influence of societal cultures on individuals and management practice. This page features a curated selection of annotated bibliographies drawn from Oxford Bibliographies in Management, designed to help scholars understand key theories and topics in our discipline. Read More.


Spotlight: Human Resource Management

Human resource management—the strategic approach to hiring, developing, and motivating employees—plays a crucial role in helping organizations achieve their objectives. This page features a curated selection of annotated bibliographies drawn from Oxford Bibliographies in Management, designed to help scholars understand key theories and topics in our discipline. Read More.



Editor in Chief

Ricky W. Griffin is Distinguished Professor of Management and holds the Blocker Chair in Business in Mays Business School at Texas A&M University. After receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Houston in 1978, he joined the faculty at the University of Missouri for three years before moving to Texas A&M in 1981. His research on task design and dysfunctional work behavior has appeared in Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Management and other outlets. He also served as Editor of the Journal of Management. He has been Program Chair and Division Chair of the Organizational Behavior Division and Program Chair of the Research Methods Division of the Academy, Program Chair and President of the Southwest Academy of Management, and a member of the Board of the Southern Management Association. He is a Fellow of both the Academy of Management and the Southern Management Association.




Texas A&M University
University of Iowa
Korea University
Sogang University
North Carolina State University
Xavier University
University of Tennessee Chattanooga
George Mason University
Arizona State University


Oklahoma State University
Portland State University
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
University of Alberta
University of Miami


Oklahoma State University
Warner Burke
Columbia University
St. John's University
Tulane University
University of Alberta
Nanyang Technological University
The Pennsylvania State University
Arizona State University


* = recently published


Business Strategy

Claudio Giachetti
Università di Bologna
Gary Dushnitsky
London Business School
Lei Yu
Sun Yat-sen University
Gwendolyn Lee
Michael Witt
University of Michigan-Flint
Jack Helmuth
University of Michigan-Flint
Bryan Halpin
University of Michigan-Flint
Nicholas Vandeberg
University of Michigan-Flint
Haiyang Li
Rice University
Mikko Ketokivi
IE University
Joseph Mahoney
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Human Resource Management

Michelle Duffy
University of Minnesota
Lingtao Yu
University of Minnesota
Scott Morris
Illinois Institute of Technology
Maxwell Porter
Illinois Institute of Technology
Donald M. Truxillo
Portland State University
Talya Bauer
Portland State University
Julie M. McCarthy
University of Toronto Scarborough
Young Jae Kim
University of Georgia
Andrea Hetrick
University of Georgia
Brian Hoffman
University of Georgia
Deidra J. Schleicher
Texas A&M University
John D. Watt
Texas A&M University
Marie T. Dasborough
University of Miami
Paul Harvey
University of New Hampshire
William Gardner
Texas Tech University
Kelly Davis McCauley
West Texas A&M University
Mavis Tang
University of North Texas
Charles H. Fay
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Yehuda Baruch
Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Rouen
Gina Dokko
University of California, Davis
Katharina Chudzikowski
University of Bath
Jetmir Zyberaj
University of Bamberg
Manuel London
Stony Brook University, State University of New York
Xiang Zhou
Nanyang Technological University
Jason D. Shaw
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Ronald F. Piccolo
Rollins College
Garrett K. Moise
Rollins College
Stella M. Nkomo
University of Pretoria
Thomas W.H. Ng
University of Hong Kong
Alan M. Saks
University of Toronto
John J. Sumanth
Wake Forest University
R. David Lebel
University of Pittsburgh
Leonard Bierman
Texas A & M University
Linda K. Treviño
Pennsylvania State University
Patrick D. Converse
Florida Institute of Technology
Brian H. Kim
Occidental College
Yumiko Mochinushi
Florida Institute of Technology
Yadi Yang
Florida Institute of Technology
Frederik Anseel
Ghent University
Gary Latham
Rotman School of Management
Alana Arshoff
University of Toronto
Debra J. Cohen
Society for Human Resource Management
Alexander Alonso
Society for Human Resource Management
Montrese Hamilton
Society for Human Resource Management
David S. Geller
Society for Human Resource Management
Mahima Saxena
Illinois Institute of Technology
Angela Wallace
Sparton Design
Amy Y. Ou
National University of Singapore
Brad Owens
Brigham Young University
Michael Brannick
University of South Florida
Amy Wrzesniewski
Yale University
Yuna Cho
Yale University
Yitzhak Fried
Texas Tech University
Ariel S. Levi
Wayne State University
Ran Bi
Texas Tech University
Andre Taybron
North Carolina State University
Don J.Q. Chen
Singapore Management University
Richard Arvey
National University of Singapore
Siting Wang
University of Illinois at Chicago
Jiaqing Sun
University of Illinois at Chicago
Robert Liden
University of Illinois at Chicago
David Day
The University of Western Australia
Darja Miscenko
The University of Western Australia
Dawn E. Chandler
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Jennifer J. Deal
Center for Creative Leadership
Alec Levenson
University of South Carolina
Adam A. Kay
University of Queensland
Theodore C. Masters-Waage
Singapore Management University
Daniel P. Skarlicki
University of British Columbia
Silvia Bonaccio
University of Ottawa
Jane O'Reilly
University of Ottawa
Sharon O'Sullivan
University of Ottawa
Yanhong Li
University of Ottawa
John C. Scott
Kevin Tomczak
Keith Caver
Robert E. Lewis
Jillian McLellan
Berrin Erdogan
Portland State University
Layla Mansfield
Portland State University
Ekin K. Pellegrini
University of Missouri – St. Louis
Gerald E. Ledford, Jr.
University of Southern California
Charles Rivers
Riverbell LLC
Angelo S. DeNisi
Tulane University
Robert Tett
University of Tulsa
Jennifer Ragsdale
University of Tulsa
Daniel Simonet
Montclair State University
Amy Kristof-Brown
University of Iowa
Christina Li
University of Iowa
Gary Latham
Rotman School of Management
Alana Arshoff
University of Toronto
Hilary M. Hendricks
Brigham Young University
Braydon Shanklin
John Bingham
Brigham Young University
Glen R. Sanders
Brigham Young University
James A. Breaugh
University of Missouri – St. Louis
Jennifer R. Rineer
Portland State University
Donald M. Truxillo
Portland State University
Talya Bauer
Portland State University
Marilyn E. Gist
Seattle University
Angela Gist
The University of Kansas
Thomas S. Bateman
University of Virginia
Robert C. Ford
University of Central Florida
Susan E. Jackson
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Kaifeng Jiang
University of Notre Dame
Randall S. Schuler
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
James Campbell Quick
University of Texas at Arlington
Ayşe Karaca
Dumlupınar Üniversitesi
Amanuel Tekleab
Wayne State University
Aimée Kane
Duquesne University
Floor Rink
University of Groningen
Kenneth G. Brown
The University of Iowa
Kurt Kraiger
University of Memphis
Peter Hom
Arizona State University
M. Travis Maynard
Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Diana Sanchez
Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Janet P. Near
Indiana University Bloomington
Marcia P. Miceli
Georgetown University
Debra Major
Old Dominion University
Russell Matthews
Bowling Green State University
Mark Griffin
University of Western Australia
Laura Fruhen
University of Western Australia
Jonathan Passmore
University of Reading
Christian van Nieuwerburgh
University of East London
Margaret Barr
Growth Coaching International
Francis T. McAndrew
Knox College
Joseph A. Allen
Creighton University
Steven G. Rogelberg
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Liana Kreamer
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Joseph Mroz
University of Nebraska—Omaha


International and Cross Cultural Management

Chao C. Chen
Rutgers University
Huan Wang
Rutgers University
David C. Thomas
The University of New South Wales
Linn Van Dyne
Michigan State University
Soon Ang
Nanyang Technological University
Mei Ling Tan
Nanyang Technological University
Thomas Rockstuhl
Nanyang Technological University
Karin Dun
Santa Clara University Leavey School of Business
Michael Santoro
Santa Clara University Leavey School of Business
Dennis R. Briscoe
University of San Diego
Mark E. Mendenhall
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Sebastian Reiche
Mustafa Ozbilgin
Brunel University
Cihat Erbil
Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University
Vlad Vaiman
California Lutheran University
Eva Gallardo-Gallardo
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Marian Thunnissen
Fontys University of Applied Sciences
William Newburry
Florida International University


Organization and Management Theory

Henrich R. Greve
Ronald S. Landis
Illinois Institute of Technology
Eden B. King
George Mason University
Scott Tonidandel
Davidson College
Roslina Yong
Singapore Management University
Yong H. Kim
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Yonghoon G. Lee
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Laura Spence
King's College London
Joel Gehman
University of Alberta
Urusha Thapa
George Washington University
Ke Cao
Wilfrid Laurier University
Anja Tuschke
LMU Munich
Viktoria Judith Salomon
LMU Munich
Tammy L. Madsen
Santa Clara University
Anja Tuschke
LMU Munich
Emma Buellet
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Frank Shipper
Salisbury University
Joseph Blasi
Rutgers University
Fabrizio Ferraro
University of Navarra
Guillermo Casasnovas
University of Navarra
Tatiana Kostova
University of South Carolina
Zhuo Lin
University of Cincinnati
Elaine Hollensbe
University of Cincinnati
Heather C. Vough
George Mason University
Brianna Barker Caza
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Harshad Puranik
University of Illinois at Chicago
Mahfooz Ansari
University of Lethbridge
Jocelyn Wiltshire
University of Lethbridge
Jeffrey Reuer
University of Colorado at Boulder
Sandip Bisui
University of Colorado at Boulder
Sang-Joon Kim
Ewha Women's University
Natarajan Balasubramanian
Syracuse University
Yang Ye
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
David D. Van Fleet
Arizona State University
Karl Moore
McGill University
Robert F. Grattan
University of the West of England
Daniela Blettner
David Wangrow
Marquette University
Hilary Schloemer
Arkansas State University
Margaret Luciano
Pennsylvania State University Smeal College of Business
Samantha Dubrow
MITRE Corporation
Michael Lounsbury
University of Alberta
Eric Yanfei Zhao
Indiana University
Mary Ann Glynn
Boston College
Simona Giorgi
Boston College
Christi Lockwood
Boston College
Royston Greenwood
University of Alberta
Bob Hinings
University of Alberta
John Amis
Andrew Sarta
York University (Toronto)
Jean-Philippe Vergne
University College London
Rodolphe Durand
École des hautes études commerciales
Laura B. Cardinal
University of South Carolina
Markus Kreutzer
EBS Business School
C. Chet Miller
University of Houston
Björn C. Mitzinneck
University of Groningen
Angela Greco
The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research
Dennis Gioia
The Pennsylvania State University
Yuliya Likhonina
The Pennsylvania State University
Dana Gioia
University of New Hampshire
David L. Deephouse
University of Alberta
Rongrong Zhang
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Andrew V. Shipilov
JungYun Han
Julien Clement
Simone Carmine
University of Padova
Wendy K. Smith
University of Delaware
Stephanie R. Klein
Gerardus J. M. Lucas
M.K. Chin
Indiana University
Lenos Trigeorgis
University of Cyprus
Adam Cobb
University of Pennsylvania
Tyler Wry
University of Pennsylvania
Susan Mohammed
Penn State
Jacqueline Marhefka
Penn State
Lee Watkiss
Western University
Jungsoo Ahn
Western University
Michael Jensen
University of Michigan
Jusang Lee
University of Michigan
Forrest Briscoe
Pennsylvania State University
Alexandra Rheinhardt
University of Connecticut
Sana Ansari
Indian Institute of Management Raipur
Dalhia Mani
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Raj Echambadi
Illinois Institute of Technology
Babu John-Mariadoss
Texas Tech University
Paolo Aversa
Patrick Hallila
Adam C. Stoverink
Northern Illinois University
Lex Donaldson
University of New South Wales
Steven Harper
James Madison University
Fariss-Terry Mousa
James Madison University


Organizational Behavior

Lindsey D. Cameron
University of Michigan
Lyndon Garrett
Boston College
Gretchen Spreitzer
University of Michigan
Manav Raj
New York University
Robert C. Seamans
New York University
Ronald F. Piccolo
Rollins College
Claudia Buengeler
Jacobs University Bremen
George Graen
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Julio Canedo
University of Houston - Downtown
Kevin B. Lowe
University of Sydney
Hanoku Bathula
University of Auckland
James M. LeBreton
Penn State
Jeremy L. Schoen
University of Auckland
Frank R. C. de Wit
The University of Melbourne
Devi Gnyawali
Virginia Tech
S M Abidul Islam
Virginia Tech
Zhiqing Zhou
Florida Institute of Technology
Philip Bromiley
The Paul Merage School of Business
Devaki Rau
Northern Illinois University
Myriam N. Bechtoldt
EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht
Run Ren
Peking University
Neal M. Ashkanasy
The University of Queensland
John Schaubroeck
Michigan State University
Bernie Malonson
Michigan State University
Zachary W. Woessner
Michigan State University
Jinsil Kim
The College of New Jersey
Marianna Fotaki
University of Warwick
David Long
William and Mary
András Tilcsik
University of Toronto
Christopher Marquis
Cornell University
Guihyun Park
The Australian National University, Canberra
Verlin B. Hinsz
North Dakota State University
Marjolein Lips-Wiersma
Auckland University of Technology
Ilse von Hirschberg
Auckland University of Technology
Susan Hill
City, University of London
Ricky W. Griffin
Texas A&M University
Nicole Fuller
University of New Orleans
Jeff LePine
Arizona State University
Daniel Newton
Arizona State University
Ji Koung Kim
Arizona State University
Mark Ehrhart
University of Central Florida
Maribeth Kuenzi
Southern Methodist University
Donald Palmer
University of California, Davis
Jerel E. Slaughter
University of Arizona
Jonathan B. Evans
University of Arizona
Christine Jackson
Purdue University
Angela M. Passarelli
College of Charleston
Sara Thorgren
Luleå University of Technology
Melissa S. Cardon
Charles Y. Murnieks
Sharon K. Parker
Curtin University
Zijun Cai
Beijing Normal University
Kwanghyun Kim
Korea University
Soyeon Lee
Bain & Company
Ryan L. Klinger
Old Dominion University
Nathapon Siangchokyoo
SUNY Oswego
Mahdi Forghani Bajestani
Old Dominion University
Jane X.Y. Chong
University of Western Australia
Marylène Gagné
Curtin University
Dov Eden
Tel Aviv University
Alexander Stajkovic
Wisconsin School of Business
Kayla Sergent
Edgewood College
Dick de Gilder
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Peter Groenewegen
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Julie E. Ferguson
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Alan M. Saks
University of Toronto
Louis W. Fry
Texas A & M University
Rhett Brymer
Miami University
Janice Molloy
University of Michigan–Dearborn
Clint Chadwick
The University of Kansas
Joanna Tochman Campbell
University of Cincinnati
Hansin Bilgili
University of Arkansas
Bina Ajay
University of Cincinnati
Suzanne T. Bell
DePaul University
Melissa M. Vazquez
DePaul University
Greg L. Stewart
University of Iowa
Kameron M. Carter
Pennsylvania State University
Thomas H. Ptashnik
University of Iowa
Brittney Amber
Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis
Christopher O.L.H. Porter
Indiana University
Gabi Fernandez Castillo
Maha Khalid
Eduardo Salas
Eean R. Crawford
University of Iowa
Ashley Fulmer
Georgia State University
Hanyi Min
University of Central Florida
Mindy Shoss
University of Central Florida
Howard J. Klein
Ohio State University
Bryce Linford
Ohio State University


Organizational Development and Change

Christina E. Shalley
Georgia Tech University
Amy P. Breidenthal
Georgia Institute of Technology
Allan Church
Daniel Kuyumcu
Christopher Rotolo
David Hsu
Wharton School
Anthony Nyberg
University of South Carolina
Ingo Weller
Dhuha Abdulsalam
University of South Carolina
Feirong Yuan
University of Houston- Victoria
Dennis J. Marquardt
Abilene Christian University
Frank Hoy
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Giacomo Laffranchini
University of La Verne
Jean M. Bartunek
Boston College
Peter Sorensen
Benedictine University
Therese Yaeger
Benedictine University


Research Methods

Alexander LoPilato
University of Georgia
Mo Wang
University of Florida
Jeffrey B. Vancouver
Ohio University
Xiaofei Li
University of Minnesota
Ronald S. Landis
Illinois Institute of Technology
Edward Wray-Bliss
Deakin University
Beth A. Bechky
University of California, Davis
Sonya Pyo
New York university
Mo Wang
University of Florida
Zhefan Huang
Warrington College of Business
David E. Caughlin
Portland State University
Lisa Schurer Lambert
Georgia State University
Greg F. Hardt
Georgia State University
Catherine Cassell
University of Manchester
James T. Austin
David Chan
Singapore Management University
Raymond M. Lee
Royal Holloway, University of London
Neal Schmitt
Michigan State University


Strategy and Strategic Management

Pek-Hooi Soh
Simon Fraser University
Annapoornima M. Subramanian
National University of Singapore
Llewellyn D. Howell
Arizona State University
Kellie C. Liket
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Pursey P.M.A.R. Heugens
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Florian Wettstein
University of St.Gallen
Michael Santoro
Santa Clara University Leavey School of Business
Anita Ramasastry
University of Washington
Penelope Simons
University of Ottawa
Donald F. Kuratko
Indiana University
Sarah K. Nagelvoort
Indiana University
Alan Muller
University of Groningen
Donna J. Wood
University of Northern Iowa
Kerry Hudson
Cardiff University
Robert E. Morgan
Cardiff University
Sandhya Balasubramanian
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
William J. Wales
University at Albany, State University of New York
Joshua V. White
University of Alabama
Vishal K. Gupta
University of Alabama
Bruce R. Barringer
Oklahoma State University
Donald Schepker
University of South Carolina
Robert Fildes
Lancaster University
P. Geoffrey Allen
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Mary Ann Von Glinow
Florida International University
William D. Schneper
Franklin & Marshall College
Bradley L. Kirkman
North Carolina State University
Sal Mistry
Southern Methodist University
Michael Santoro
Santa Clara University Leavey School of Business
Florian Wettstein
University of St.Gallen
Michael Witt
University of Michigan-Flint
Jack Helmuth
University of Michigan-Flint
Christopher Kelly
Michigan State University
Dan Li
Indiana University Bloomington
Ram Mudambi
Temple University
Thomas J. Hannigan
Temple University
Li Dai
Loyola Marymount University
Rolf Sternberg
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Timothy B. Folta
Pek-Hooi Soh
Simon Fraser University
Marissa L. Shuffler
Clemson University
Dana C. Verhoeven
Clemson University
Nastassia M. Savage
Clemson University
Michelle Flynn
Clemson University
Pamela Farago
Clemson University
Jeffrey S. Harrison
University of Richmond
T.K. Das
Baruch College, City University of New York
Tammy L. Madsen
Santa Clara University
J.P. Eggers
New York University
Daniel Keum
New York University
Franz Wohlgezogen
University of Melbourne
Katherine Hamilton
Pennsylvania State University
Elizabeth J. Altman
Harvard Business School
Frank Nagle
Harvard Business School
Michael L. Tushman
Harvard Business School
Karen D. Hughes
University of Alberta
Jennifer E. Jennings
University of Alberta

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