Art History
Editor in Chief | Area Editors | Articles and Contributors
Art history is a vast discipline, geographically, historically, and intellectually. In its initial centuries, art history dealt with Western art, but the boundaries of the field have since expanded. The canon continues to be redefined as histories of art in regions that had previously been ignored are brought into the mainstream. Traditional emphases on European art have been reduced, as the discipline reaches world-wide dimensions in which connections as much as differences have increasingly come into focus. Originating as a study much informed by ancient art, and then by the art of the Renaissance, the historical dimension of the discipline has also continuously advanced with time. More and more works and types of objects are made throughout the world, and art historians’ interests have increasingly shifted to more recent art. In the past half century art historians have also engaged more and more with questions of theory, method, and the history of the discipline. New approaches, often borrowed from other fields, have proliferated.
As a result of all this flux and ferment, it has become progressively more difficult to grasp the literature of the field, and to gain an orientation to current and perennial problems. Oxford Bibliographies in Art History responds to these needs and offers a trustworthy pathway through the thicket of information overload. Whether an expert in contemporary European art needs to read up on the art of ancient China for a book project or an undergraduate student needs to start a research paper on iconography in Renaissance art, Oxford Bibliographies in Art History will provide a trusted source of selective bibliographic guidance.
Editor in Chief

Basile Baudez is Associate Professor of architectural history in the Art & Archaeology department at Princeton University after having taught at the Sorbonne in Paris. His first book, Architecture et Tradition Académique au Siècle des Lumières questions the role of architects in early modern European academies. He co-edited several volumes on the history of architecture such as A Civic Utopia. Architecture and the City in France, 1765-1837, Chalgrin et son Temps. Architectes et architecture entre l’Ancien Régime et l’Empire and most recently Textile in Architecture from the Middle Ages to Modernism. He curated several shows devoted to architectural drawings, at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, and at the Courtauld Institute in London. His latest monograph, Inessential Colors: Architecture on Paper in Early Modern Europe was the 2022 winner of the Alice Davis Hitchcock Medallion awarded by the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain.
University of Melbourne
Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art
University of Vermont
Victoria and Albert Museum
New York University
The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Princeton University
University of Kentucky
The College of William and Mary
University of Minnesota
Princeton University
University of Vienna
University of Chicago
University of Reading
University of Pittsburgh
The College of William and Mary
University of California, Santa Barbara
* = recently published
18th-Century Art
Michael Yonan
University of Missouri
Nina M. Athanassoglou-Kallmyer
University of Delaware
Janis Tomlinson
Dorothy Johnson
The University of Iowa
Kathleen Nicholson
University of Oregon
Nebahat Avcioglu
Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY
19th-Century Art
Claudia Wedepohl
University of London
Bernard Barryte
Stanford University
Anna Tahinci
Museum of Fine Arts Houston
Simon Kelly
Saint Louis Art Museum
Steven Z. Levine
Bryn Mawr College
Ruth E. Iskin
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Jane M. Roos
Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY
Petra Chu
Seton Hall University
Judith Glatzer Wechsler
Tufts University
Allison Perelman
Washington University in St. Louis
Nina M. Athanassoglou-Kallmyer
University of Delaware
Nina M. Athanassoglou-Kallmyer
University of Delaware
Cornelia Homburg
Washington University Gallery of Art
20th-Century and Modern Art
John J. Curley
Wake Forest University
John O'Brian
University of British Columbia
Jessica Law
University of British Columbia
Jeff O'Brien
University of British Columbia
Vojtěch Lahoda
The Czech Academy of Sciences
Reinhold Heller
The University of Chicago
Pepe Karmel
New York University
Caterina Y. Pierre
Kingsborough Community College
Jonathan Petropoulos
Claremont McKenna College
Nicholas Sage
Claremont McKenna College
African Art
Victoria L. Rovine
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Claire Bosc-Tiessé
French National Centre for Scientific Research
Kate Ezra
Jessica Hurd
Peter Mark
Wesleyan University
Mary Jo Arnoldi
Smithsonian Institution
Christopher D. Roy
University of Iowa
Aimée Bessire
Bates College
Gitti Salami
Pacific Northwest College of Art
William J. Dewey
Penn State
Jonathan Bloom
Boston College
Ancient and Classical Art
Paul Collins
University of Oxford
Talah Anderson
University of Oxford
Richard Neer
The University of Chicago
Mati Meyer
The Open University of Israel
Michael Squire
King's College London
Katharina Lorenz
University of Nottingham
Barbara A. Barletta
University of Florida
James Graham-Campbell
University College London
Jane Kershaw
University College London
Art Materials and Techniques
Larry Silver
University of Pennsylvania
John Dixon Hunt
University of Pennsylvania
Elizabeth Hyde
Kean University
Kelley Wilder
De Montfort University
Oliver Grau
Intel Visual Computing Institute
Kristine Stiles
Duke University
Martina Droth
Yale Center for British Art
Art of the Middle East and North Africa
Gay Robins
Emory University
Michael Seymour
Metropolitan Museum of Art
David J. Roxburgh
Harvard University
Art of the United States
Steven Leuthold
Northern Michigan University
James Farmer
Virginia Commonwealth University
Constance Cortez
Texas Tech University
David W. Penney
Smithsonian Institution
Art Theory and Methodology
Grant Kester
University of California at San Diego
Evonne Levy
University of Toronto Mississauga
Laurie Schneider Adams
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York
Noah Horowitz
Sotheby's Institute of Art
Victoria Reed
Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Robert Williams
University of California, Santa Barbara
Kristine Stiles
Duke University
Kristine Stiles
Duke University
Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann
Princeton University
Samuel Y. Edgerton
Williams College
Colum Hourihane
Princeton University
Andrew Hemingway
University College London
Daniel J. Sherman
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Griselda Pollock
University of Leeds
Byzantine and Medieval Art
Zsombor Jékely
Karoli Gaspar Reformatus Egyetem
Tom Nickson
The Courtauld Institute of Art
Richard A. Leson
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Karen R. Mathews
University of Miami
Ellen C. Schwartz
Eastern Michigan University
Katherine Marsengill
Charles McClendon
Brandeis University
Martha Easton
Seton Hall University
Mark Sandona
Hood College
Anne Derbes
Hood College
Robert Bork
University of Iowa
Marc Schurr
University of Strasbourg
Nancy Thompson
St. Olaf College
Katrin Kogman-Appel
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Eric Palazzo
Universite de Poitiers
Elina Gertsman
Case Western Reserve University
Dominique DeLuca
Case Western Reserve University
Nancy L. Wicker
The University of Mississippi
Elizabeth Coatsworth
Manchester Metropolitan University
Gale R. Owen-Crocker
University of Manchester
Genevra Kornbluth
Pamela A. Patton
Princeton University
Kirk Ambrose
University of Colorado Boulder
William Tronzo
University of California, San Diego
José-Luis Senra
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Susan Maxwell
University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
Contemporary Art
Robert Bailey
University of Oklahoma
Terry Smith
University of Pittsburgh
Nicholas Ganz
Julie Reiss
Christie's Education
Maya Balakirsky Katz
Bar Ilan University
K. Michael Hays
Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Cristina Albu
University of Missouri, Kansas City
East Asian Art
Robert Thorp
Washington University in St. Louis
Ken Tadashi Oshima
University of Washington
Akiko Walley
University of Oregon
Richard L. Wilson
International Christian University
Patricia J. Graham
University of Kansas
Frank L. Chance
University of Pennsylvania
Matthi Forrer
Victoria Weston
University of Massachusetts Boston
Meghen Jones
Alfred University
Claudia Brown
Arizona State University
Richard L. Wilson
International Christian University
Jennifer Purtle
University of Toronto
Latin American and Caribbean Art
James Farmer
Virginia Commonwealth University
Clara Bargellini
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Cecelia F. Klein
University of California, Los Angeles
Mary Miller
Yale University
Elena Shtromberg
The University of Utah
Camilla Querin
University of California, Riverside
Joanne Pillsbury
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Marta Fajardo de Rueda
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Linda Downs
College Art Association
James Oles
Wellesley College
Adriana Zavala
Tufts University
Mary Miller
Yale University
Margaret A. Jackson
University of New Mexico
Donald A. Proulx
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Rex Koontz
University of Houston, School of Art
Alessia Frassani
Leiden University
Susan E. Bergh
Cleveland Museum of Art
Oceanic and Australian Art
Susan Cochrane
Greg Lehman
University of Melbourne
Susan Lowish
University of Melbourne
Ian McLean
University of Melbourne
Caroline Vercoe
The University of Auckland
Ngarino Ellis
The University of Auckland
Christopher Marshall
University of Melbourne
Georgina S. Walker
University of Melbourne
Renaissance and Baroque Art
Jane C. Hutchison
University of Wisconsin—Madison
Maarten Delbeke
Bruce Boucher
University of Virginia
Clare Robertson
University of Reading
Sheila ffolliott
George Mason University
Felicia Else
Gettysburg College
Carmen Ripollés
Portland State University
Jasmine R. Cloud
University of Central Missouri
John Beldon Scott
The University of Iowa
Alexandra Letvin
Princeton University
Frima Fox Hofrichter
Pratt Institute
Joyce de Vries
Auburn University
Evonne Levy
University of Toronto Mississauga
Jaynie Anderson
University of Melbourne
Vaughan Hart
University of Bath
Linda Seidel
The University of Chicago
Carmen Ripollés
Portland State University
Hannah Friedman
Universitat Zurich
Frank Zöllner
Universität Leipzig
Sara Taglialagamba
Catherine Kupiec
University of Notre Dame
Cathy Hall-van den Elsen
Clare Robertson
University of Reading
Elizabeth Honig
University of Maryland
Ulrich Heinen
University of Wuppertal
Jesús Escobar
Northwestern University
Amy Golahny
Lycoming College
Ilenia Colón Mendoza
University of Central Florida
Catherine Scallen
Case Western Reserve University
Amy Frederick
Centre College
Brian A. Curran
Pennsylvania State University
Ondřej Jakubec
Masaryk University
Pedro Antonio Galera Andreu
Universidad de Jaen
Xavier Barral i Altet
Central European University
Vinni Lucherini
University of Naples
South and Southeast Asian Art
Dawn F. Rooney
Frederick Asher
University of Minnesota
Sherry Fowler
The University of Kansas
Yui Suzuki
University of Maryland
Atreyee Gupta
Haus der Kunst
Tausif Noor
University of California at Berkeley
Christopher Pinney
University College London
Catherine Asher
University of Minnesota
Anna Seastrand
The University of Chicago
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