
Editor in Chief | Area Editors | Articles and Contributors

The study of communication is a multidisciplinary effort to understand the constant, varied, and complex transmission and exchange of information, knowledge, and ideas. The extensive nature of communication means that efforts to study it span multiple epistemologies and methodologies. Also, given the changing media landscape, scholars and professionals must constantly consider new content, technologies, processes and effects, and theories of communication. The overlapping domains of communication make it challenging to stay informed about every applicable area. A great deal of this work has moved online with the most recent scholarship, research, and statistics appearing in online databases. Oxford Bibliographies in Communication provides much-needed guidance for students and scholars at every level.


Editor in Chief

Patricia Moy is a political communication scholar who focuses on communication and citizenship, specifically, how mediated and interpersonal communication can shape public opinion, citizens’ social and political trust, and political behavior. Her research addresses communication content, processes and effects across myriad issues in multiple continents. Moy’s scholarship has been published as books and articles in leading refereed journals including the Journal of Communication, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Communication Research, Political Communication, and the International Journal of Public Opinion Research. Her book With Malice Toward All? examines the prevalence of media negativity and the process by which it shapes knowledge and attitudes about key institutions that govern society. Her edited volume Communication and Community examines communication processes and effects within geographical, online, epistemic, and a host of other communities.
Moy’s extensive contributions to the discipline include serving as president of the International Communication Association, American Association for Public Opinion Research, World Association for Public Opinion Research, and Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research. She was editor of the flagship journal Public Opinion Quarterly and sits on the editorial board of leading journals in the field, including Journal of Communication, Communication Research, Political Communication, and Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. Moy is a former head of the Communication Theory and Methodology Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication and has held leadership roles in the American Political Science Association.





Center for Intercultural Dialogue
University of Canterbury
University of Manchester


University of California, Santa Barbara


University of Haifa
University of Leeds
University of Oxford
University of Amsterdam


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
University of Massachusetts
University of Iowa
Trinity University
University of Oxford
Northwestern University
University of Massachusetts
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Haifa


* = recently published


Communication and Culture

Thomas Frissen
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Steven Eggermont
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Philip Napoli
Duke University
Steve Voorhees
Rutgers University
Sandra Moriarty
University of Colorado Boulder
Giep Franzen
Universiteit van Amsterdam
P. David Marshall
Deakin University, Melbourne Australia
Jill Edy
University of Oklahoma
Richard B. Kielbowicz
University of Washington
Terry Flew
Queensland University of Technology
Kristine L. Muñoz
University of Iowa
Teresa Thompson
University of Dayton
Louis P. Cusella
University of Dayton
Caty Borum Chattoo
Center for Media & Social Impact (CMSI)
Donal Carbaugh
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Peter Jensen
University of Alabama
Aidan Rowe
University of Alberta
Robbie Fordyce
Monash University
Kate Milberry
University of Toronto
Silvio Waisbord
George Washington University
Paul Cobley
Middlesex University, London
Vincent Mosco
Queen's University
Laurie Ouellette
University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Judith M. Buddenbaum
Colorado State University
Nicholas DiFonzo
Rochester Institute of Technology
Silvia Lovato
Northwestern University
Alexis Lauricella
Northwestern University
Ellen Wartella
Northwestern University
Bryan E. Denham
Clemson University
Sage Goodwin
University of Oxford
Brett Sherrick
University of Alabama
Bill Osgerby
London Metropolitan University


Communication and Rhetoric

Beth Innocenti
University of Kansas
Michael Souders
University of Washington
Michael Pfau
University of Minnesota Duluth


Communication and Social Change

Rosemary Clark
University of Pennsylvania
Jasmine Erdener
University of Pennsylvania
Elisabetta Ferrari
University of Pennsylvania
Guobin Yang
University of Pennsylvania
David Elliot Berman
University of Pennsylvania
Victor Pickard
University of Pennsylvania
Jakob Jensen
University of Utah
Nicholas Carcioppolo
University of Miami
Jan Servaes
City University of Hong Kong
Michael McCluskey
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga


Communication and Technology

Doris Baltruschat
University of British Columbia
Peter A. Chow-White
Simon Fraser University
Jennifer Mentanko
Simon Fraser University
Philippa Adams
Simon Fraser University
Julie Frizzo-Barker
Simon Fraser University
Claartje ter Hoeven
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Jennifer Gibbs
University of California, Santa Barbara
Peter Monge
University of Southern California
Drew Margolin
Cornell University
Eun-Ju Lee
Seoul National University
Soo Youn Oh
Stanford University
Ronald Rice
University of California, Santa Barbara
Peter A. Chow-White
Simon Fraser University
Betty Ackah
Simon Fraser University
Philippa Adams
Simon Fraser University
Troy Hicks
Central Michigan University
Katherine Baleja
Wayne State University
Mingyuan Zhang
Central Michigan University
Élise Ross-Nadié
Concordia University, Montreal
Stefanie Duguay
Concordia University, Montreal
Philip Howard
University of Washington
Paul Bolls
Texas Tech University
Michael A. Xenos
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Yi-Fan Chen
Old Dominion University
Homero Gil de Zúñiga
University of Vienna
Mark Coddington
Washington and Lee University
Helen Klaebe
Queensland University of Technology
Donna Hancox
Queensland University of Technology
David Markowitz
University of Oregon
Jeremy Bailenson
Stanford University
C.W. Anderson
University of Leeds
Niels Brügger
Aarhus Universitet
Peter Kerkhof
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Corné Dijkmans
Breda University of Applied Sciences


Communication Theory, Theorists, and Methodology

Hans-Bernd Brosius
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Alexander Haas
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Mike Schmierbach
Pennsylvania State University
Nancy Rhodes
Michigan State University
Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck
Universität Mannheim
Natalie Jomini Stroud
University of Texas at Austin
Soohee Kim
Stanford University
Joshua M. Scacco
University of South Florida
John C. Pollock
The College of New Jersey
Brendan Watson
Michigan State University
Stephen Lacy
Michigan State University
Erica Scharrer
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Robert T. Craig
University of Colorado Boulder
Carla L. Fisher
University of Florida
Gerald J. Baldasty
University of Washington
Robert C. Richards Jr.
Pennsylvania State University
H. Allen White
Murray State University
Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz
Center for Intercultural Dialogue
Josh Pasek
University of Michigan
Sun Joo (Grace) Ahn
University of Georgia
Kim Hoffman
Oregon Health and Science University
Javier Ponce-Terashima
Case Western Reserve University
William J. Buxton
Concordia University
Young Mie Kim
University of Wisconsin – Madison
William L. Benoit
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Lisa Vandeberg
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Edith G. Smit
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Jaap M. J. Murre
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Nurit Tal-Or
University of Haifa
Daphne R. Raban
University of Haifa
David J. Grimshaw
Royal Holloway University of London
Sonia Livingstone
London School of Economics and Political Science
Ranjana Das
University of Surrey
William Pawlett
University of Wolverhampton
Hartmut Wessler
Universität Mannheim
Charlotte Löb
Universität Mannheim
Yoori Hwang
Myongji University
Brian Southwell
RTI International
Philip Howard
University of Washington
Paul Levinson
Fordham University
James G. Webster
Northwestern University
Harsh Taneja
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Gianpietro Mazzoleni
Università degli Studi di Milano
Sergio Splendore
Università degli Studi di Milano
Josef Seethaler
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Donald L. Anderson
University of Denver
Gayle Stever
Empire State College
François Cooren
Université de Montréal
Nicolas Bencherki
Université TÉLUQ
David W. Park
Lake Forest College
Francesca R. Dillman Carpentier
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Marco Yzer
University of Minnesota
Brian Southwell
RTI International
Marieke Fransen
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Peter Simonson
University of Colorado Boulder
Stephanie Hartzell
California State University Long Beach
Hans-Bernd Brosius
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Christina Peter
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Christine Urquhart
University of Aberystwyth
Louisa Mei Chun Lam
Lingnan University
Bonnie Cheuk
Brenda L. Dervin
Ohio State University
Hernando Rojas
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Matthew Barnidge
University of Alabama
Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz
Center for Intercultural Dialogue
Charles M. Rowling
University of Nebraska – Kearney
Peter J. Carrington
University of Waterloo
Jan Fernback
Temple University
Elfriede Fürsich
University of Pittsburgh
Yariv Tsfati
University of Haifa
Gabriel Weimann
University of Haifa
Elizabeth Perse
University of Delaware
Kathleen Hall Jamieson
University of Pennsylvania
Emile McAnany
Santa Clara University


Critical and Cultural Studies

Donal Carbaugh
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Meenakshi Gigi Durham
University of Iowa
Rodrigo Gómez García
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Cuajimalpa
Ben Birkinbine
University of Nevada, Reno
Lana Rakow
University of North Dakota
Andrew Calabrese
University of Colorado Boulder
Marco Briziarelli
University of New Mexico
Tony Wilson
London School of Economics and Political Science
Liv Hausken
University of Oslo
Ask Risom Bøge
Aarhus Universitet
Anders Albrechtslund
Aarhus Universitet
Peter Lauritsen
Aarhus Universitet


Gender (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies)

Adrienne Shaw
Temple University
Alexandrina Agloro
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Josef Nguyen
University of Texas at Dallas
Amanda Phillips
Georgetown University
Bonnie Ruberg
University of California, Irvine
David Gudelunas
University of Tampa
Cynthia Carter
Cardiff University
Shinsuke Eguchi
University of New Mexico
Alexander Dhoest
Universiteit Antwerpen
Lukasz Szulc
University of Sheffield
matthew heinz
Royal Roads University


Health and Risk Communication

Morgan Snyder
Texas State University
Kelly Haskard-Zolnierek
Texas State University
Kenneth Lachlan
University of Connecticut
James Shanahan
Indiana University Bloomington
Glenn Leshner
University of Oklahoma
Elizabeth Gardner
American Society for Radiation Oncology
Georg Ruhrmann
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Lars Guenther
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Sharon Dunwoody
University of Wisconsin – Madison


Intergroup Communication

Dawn O. Braithwaite
Northwestern University
Kathleen M. Galvin
Northwestern University
Benjamin Chiles
Allina Health
Esther Liu
Northwestern University
Amber K. Worthington
Pennsylvania State University
Jon F. Nussbaum
Pennsylvania State University
Mark J. Bergstrom
Pennsylvania State University
Liz Jones
Griffith University
Bernadette Watson
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Lawrence R. Frey
University of Colorado Boulder


International and Global Communication

Dal Yong Jin
Simon Fraser University
Ju Oak Kim
Texas A & M International University
Victor N. Roudometof
University of Cyprus
Sönke Kunkel
Freie Universität Berlin
Andreas Pöllmann
Universität Paderborn
Ling Chen
Hong Kong Baptist University
Dominic Busch
Universität der Bundeswehr München
Jonathan D. Aronson
University of Southern California
Anastasia Aldelina Lijadi
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis


Interpersonal Communication

Evan K. Perrault
Purdue University
Chris R. Sawyer
Texas Christian University
Scott A. Myers
West Virginia University
Michael E. Roloff
Northwestern University
Michael E. Roloff
Northwestern University
Valerie Manusov
University of Washington
Mary Lee Hummert
University of Kansas


Journalism Studies

Jon Bekken
Albright College
Betty Houchin Winfield
University of Missouri
James F. Hamilton
University of Georgia
Michel M. Haigh
Texas State University
Dwight Teeter
University of Tennessee
Pamela Shoemaker
Syracuse University
Jaime Riccio
Syracuse University
Philip Johnson
Ithaca College
Donald Matheson
University of Canterbury
Andrew King
University of Greenwich
Susana Salgado
Universidade de Lisboa
James L. Aucoin
University of South Alabama
Matt Carlson
University of Minnesota
Meg Spratt
University of Washington
Sue Lockett John
University of Washington
Donald Matheson
University of Canterbury
Anya Schiffrin
Columbia University
Nancy L. Roberts
State University of New York at Albany
David Staton
University of Northern Colorado
Julianne H. Newton
University of Oregon
Maria Elizabeth Grabe
Indiana University Bloomington
Namrata Sharma
Indiana University Bloomington
Jenn Burleson Mackay
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


Language and Linguistics

Jesse Pirini
Auckland University of Technology
Christopher Jenks
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Laura Guerrero
Arizona State University
Christina Fleuriet
Texas State University
Marcel Danesi
University of Toronto


Mass Communication

Esther Thorson
Michigan State University
David Tewksbury
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Megan Mullen
University of Wisconsin – Parkside
Russell N. Laczniak
Iowa State University
Les Carlson
University of Nebraska – Lincoln
Amelia Arsenault
Georgia State University
Ronald Rice
University of California, Santa Barbara
Charles K. Atkin
Michigan State University
Hilde Voorveld
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Shalom Fisch
Helena Bilandzic
Universität Augsburg
William J. Brown
Regent University
Lauren Feldman
Rutgers University
Jonathan Cohen
Haifa University
Mark Boukes
University of Amsterdam
Lawrence Ang
Macquarie University
Louisa Ha
Bowling Green State University
Mohammad Abuljadail
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Weiwei Jiang
Bowling Green State University
Hans-Bernd Brosius
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Veronika Karnowski
Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Robert Lichter
George Mason University
Justin Rolfe-Redding
George Mason University
Richard A. Gershon
Western Michigan University
Yariv Tsfati
University of Haifa
Joo-Young Jung
International Christian University
Yariv Tsfati
University of Haifa
Clifford Christians
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Julia Sonnevend
The New School for Social Research
W. James Potter
University of California, Santa Barbara
Daniel J. O'Keefe
Northwestern University
Rick Busselle
Bowling Green State University
Nathan Cutietta
Heidelberg University (Ohio)
Angeline Sangalang
University of Dayton
Sheila T. Murphy
University of Southern California
Michael J. Cody
University of Southern California
Alice Hall
University of Missouri – St. Louis
Siva K. Balasubramanian
Illinois Institute of Technology
Deepa Pillai
Northeastern Illinois University
Hemant Patwardhan
Winthrop University
Tianyu Zhao
Illinois Institute of Technology
María Len-Ríos
University of Georgia
Michael Tracey
University of Colorado Boulder
Stephen Lax
University of Leeds
Rodney Tiffen
University of Sydney
Barrie Gunter
University of Leicester
Christopher H. Sterling
George Washington University
Amelia Arsenault
Georgia State University
Karen Ritzenhoff
Central Connecticut State University
Heather Kirkorian
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Roxanne Etta
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Seung Heon Yoo
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Mengguo Jin
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Elizabeth Skora
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Erica Scharrer
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Michael Griffin
Macalaster College
Kevin Barnhurst
University of Illinois at Chicago
Robert Craig
University of St. Thomas


Media and Communication Policy

Jennifer Henderson
Trinity University
Christopher H. Sterling
George Washington University
Randal Beam
University of Washington
Juan Pablo Artero Muñoz
University of Zaragoza
Monroe E. Price
University of Pennsylvania
Manuel Puppis
Universität Freiburg
Stefaan G. Verhulst
New York University
Des Freedman
Goldsmiths, University of London
James Schwoch
Northwestern University, School of Communication
John Laprise
Ivory Mills
Northwestern University
Gracie Lawson-Borders
University of Wyoming


Organizational Communication

Robert McCann
University of California, Los Angeles
Matthew Powers
University of Washington
Ansgar Zerfass
Universität Leipzig
Sophia Charlotte Volk
Universität Leipzig
Urša Golob
University of Ljubljana
Klement Podnar
University of Ljubljana
Linda Putnam
University of California, Santa Barbara
DaJung Woo
University of California, Santa Barbara
Scott Banghart
University of California, Santa Barbara
Kjerstin Thorson
Michigan State University
Colleen Mills
University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Andrea Hickerson
Rochester Institute of Technology


Political Communication

Lee Shaker
Portland State University
Michael A. Xenos
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Julia Fox
Indiana University Bloomington
Edo Steinberg
Indiana University Bloomington
Lee Shaker
Portland State University
Philip Howard
University of Washington
Michael A. Xenos
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Giles Moss
University of Leeds
Stéphanie Wojcik
Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne
Hans Jochen Scholl
University of Washington
Regina G. Lawrence
University of Oregon
David Tewksbury
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Eike Mark Rinke
Universität Mannheim
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
Syracuse University
Ian Sheinheit
State University of New York at Albany
Michael Traugott
University of Michigan
Lynda Lee Kaid
University of Florida
Annabel Cherry
University of Florida
Maridith Miles
University of Florida
Lindsay Hoffman
University of Delaware
Christina Holtz-Bacha
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Uwe Hartung
Università della Svizzera italiana
Diana Owen
Georgetown University
Aaron Delwiche
Trinity University
Eytan Gilboa
Bar-Ilan University
Patricia Moy
University of Washington
Hartmut Wessler
Universität Mannheim
Rainer Freudenthaler
Universität Mannheim
Doug McLeod
University of Wisconsin – Madison
William L. Benoit
University of Alabama at Birmingham
William L. Benoit
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Andrea Hickerson
Rochester Institute of Technology

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